USA TODAY International Edition

Friend shares raw portrait of Roth

- Mark Athitakis

When Philip Roth died on May 22, 2018, he had cemented his reputation as a great American novelist twice over. In the ‘ 70s, thanks to “Portnoy’s Complaint,” he had become the country’s premier satirist of society in general and Jewish American culture in particular. By the 2000s his writing was more sober but no less irreverent, skewering pieties and prejudices in “The Human Stain” and “The Plot Against America,” his speculativ­e novel about the United States’ descent into fascism.

On the evidence of Benjamin Taylor’s “Here We Are: My Friendship With Philip Roth” ( Penguin, 192 pp., ★★★☆), those accomplish­ments gave him little comfort in his final years. He was infamously resentful of being denied the Nobel Prize in literature. And past slights consumed him. Taylor notes that Roth couldn’t stop relitigati­ng his first marriage, and that “despite her death she needed further – no, endless – pulverizat­ion.”

Taylor, a novelist and professor, shares these less- than- flattering details not to diminish his longtime friend, but to model the candor that Roth demanded. All the criticisms leveled against Roth get space in this brief remembranc­e: the misogyny, the self- destructiv­e libido, the urge to deliberate­ly offend. But Taylor frames them as either overstated or parts of a man in full who turned his romantic misadventu­res and middleclas­s New Jersey upbringing into high art.

No question, defiance was essential to his being as a writer. Of his scorching 1995 novel, “Sabbath’s Theater,” he tells Taylor that “my grown- up – grown- old – purpose was to violate every canon of seemliness and good taste, to affront and affront till there was no one left to affront.”

Taylor’s relationsh­ip with Roth is a peculiar one in “Here I Am.” At times it’s a friendship of equals. They share meals at a mediocre Manhattan Italian

joint Roth dubs the Meatball, and Taylor recalls conversati­ons about flings, literature and history rich with gossip and humor. Roth shares that he had a brief relationsh­ip with actress Ava Gardner and loved to imagine poor relations like “Paprika Roth, a retired stripper living in the Florida panhandle.” But Taylor also sensed their bond was asymmetric­al, and that Roth held some secrets close: “He managed to figure out more about me than I ever could about him,” he writes. At times he’s more a reporter than confidante, and though he bore witness to the worst of Roth’s final days, wracked by painkiller­s and dementia, the author remains a cryptic figure, seen from a distance.

A more complete picture will likely emerge when Blake Bailey’s full- dress Roth biography is published. Still, for Roth fans, Taylor’s book is essential reading, an affectionate but never sentimenta­l portrait of the furious, divisive and comic personalit­y who produced some of the past century’s finest novels.

In conversati­on with Taylor, Roth was confident enough to place himself in the company of Walt Whitman, William Faulkner and Saul Bellow. But he was modest enough to feel a certain damage was required to join the club. “They’re heartbroke­n patriots,” he tells Taylor. “Looking back now, I see it’s what I’ve been too.”

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