USA TODAY International Edition

Five years after landmark ruling, new battles loom

Slate of religion cases may impact LGBT rights

- Richard Wolf

WASHINGTON – Five years after the Supreme Court’s landmark decision extending marriage rights to gay men and lesbians nationwide, same- sex marriage has become “so not a big deal.”

That’s the assessment of Hillary Goodridge, one of 14 people whose lawsuit led Massachuse­tts in 2003 to become the first state to sanction gay and lesbian marriages. Twelve years later, by a 5- 4 vote, the high court made it 50 states.

Today, the constituti­onal right announced by five justices on June 26, 2015, has become old hat. More than 500,000 same- sex couples in the United States are married, including about 300,000 who have wed since the 2015 ruling. Goodridge and her partner at the time, Julie Goodridge, have married, divorced and raised a daughter.

But despite gains in legal rights, economic status, public acceptance and emotional well- being, the LGBTQ community faces continued challenges from the Trump administra­tion and religious groups in areas ranging from adoption and foster care to the rights of transgende­r people to join the military or use the bathroom that correspond­s with their

“There’s a very determined effort to redraw the boundaries and to allow very, very broad religious exemptions from law in American life.” Mary Bonauto, LGBTQ rights lawyer

gender identity.

“This sometimes feels to me like the last roar of the dinosaurs,” Hillary Goodridge says. By contrast, she says, “once you go to a same- sex wedding, it's hard to fire the person for being gay the next day.”

The Supreme Court extended workplace protection­s nationwide last week for the LGBTQ community, ruling 6- 3 that a landmark civil rights law barring sex discrimina­tion in the workplace applies to gay, lesbian and transgende­r workers.

But the court's majority, led by conservati­ve Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, did not close the door on religious exemptions, saying “other employers in other cases may raise free exercise arguments that merit careful considerat­ion.”

The court already is considerin­g four major religion cases, including several with implicatio­ns for gay, lesbian and transgende­r people. One of them, to be heard next fall, will decide if foster care agencies with religious objections can turn down gay and lesbian couples.

Those seeking religious exemptions “are feeling intense public pressure ... to get with the LGBT program or otherwise disappear,” says John Bursch, who argued the 2015 same- sex marriage case on behalf of four states that opposed marriage equality – Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Now vice president of appellate advocacy at Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservati­ve legal group, Bursch is among those who still define marriage as between one man and one woman and continue to defend the rights of religious opponents.

“You may see all of this walked back,” he warns of the legal gains made by the LGBTQ movement in recent years. “Eventually, it's not love that wins. It's truth that wins.”

A question of ‘ equal dignity’

The high court's 5- 4 decision that states cannot deny marriage rights to gay men and lesbians was handed down on June 26 – the same date as earlier landmark LGBTQ rulings against state sodomy laws in 2003 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2013.

“They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law,” said Associate Justice

Anthony Kennedy, who also wrote the previous LGBTQ decisions and has since retired. “The Constituti­on grants them that right.”

The tenuous nature of Kennedy's majority was evident when Chief Justice John Roberts – now the closest thing to a swing vote on the court – summarized his dissent from the bench for the only time in his 15 years.

“Today, five lawyers have ordered every state to change their definition of marriage,” Roberts said. “Just who do we think we are?”

The ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges ended a legal battle that had brewed in the states for 45 years, from Minnesota in the 1970s to Hawaii in the 1990s and New England after the turn of the century. The penultimat­e turning point came in 2013, when the court forced the federal government to recognize same- sex marriages and allowed them to resume in California.

Jim Obergefell was determined not to miss out when the justices announced their 2015 decision. The lead plaintiff, whose marriage to longtime partner John Arthur was not recognized by their home state of Ohio before Arthur died of ALS, was in line early for the court's last four decision days in order to guarantee himself a seat.

“I still remember the complete and utter sense of celebratio­n and joy on the plaza outside the courthouse,” he says now. “The air was electric.”

‘ Gifts that keep on giving’

Looking back, the victory is equally gratifying to those like Evan Wolfson, founder of the Freedom to Marry campaign; James Esseks, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgende­r & HIV Project; Roberta Kaplan, who represente­d Edie Windsor of New York in the 2013 case that forced the federal government to recognize same- sex marriage; and Mary Bonauto, the nation's leading LGBTQ rights lawyer, who won both the Massachuse­tts case in 2003 and the Supreme Court case in 2015.

Support for same- sex marriage in Gallup polls, at 58% in 2015, has risen as high as 67%. It's a sign, Kaplan says, that “no other civil rights movement in American history has achieved so much in so little time.”

“The marriage win and, more broadly, the marriage conversati­on that led to the win continue to be the gifts that keep on giving,” Wolfson says.

Whether it continues to give or the Supreme Court begins to take back remains to be seen. Several battles loom over religious exemptions and transgende­r rights, and both sides are dug in.

The Trump administra­tion has added fuel to those fights with efforts to roll back protection­s for the LGBTQ community. It has sought to cut transgende­r rights, most recently in health care, while opposing Democrats' efforts in Congress to extend protection­s into areas such as education, public accommodat­ions and financial credit.

When the administra­tion in 2017 withdrew guidance to schools instructin­g them to grant transgende­r students' bathroom preference­s, it ended a 17year- old Virginia high school student's court battle to use the bathroom correspond­ing to his gender identity.

A year later, the Supreme Court absolved a Colorado baker of discrimina­tion for refusing to create a custom wedding cake for a same- sex couple. The decision left unresolved whether other opponents of same- sex marriage, including bakers, florists, photograph­ers and videograph­ers, can refuse commercial wedding services to gay and lesbian couples.

Transgende­r rights and religious exemptions “are the two big buckets of work that lie ahead for the LGBT movement,” Esseks says. “It's about health care. It's about whether people will lose their jobs or won't be hired in the first place. It's about whether kids will be kicked out of schools.”

Kaplan expects the Supreme Court to work out compromise­s when the Constituti­on's equal protection and free exercise clauses come into conflict. While a minister does not have to perform a same- sex wedding but a mayor can't block one, she says, “the tough stuff is everything in between.”

To Bursch, religious believers have the winning arguments about marriage in areas such as anthropolo­gy, biology and child- rearing.

“What interest does the government have in love?” he says. “What's love got to do with it? Absolutely zero.”

Not so, says Julie Goodridge, whose marriage to Hillary in 2004 set the standard that hundreds of thousands have followed.

“Would I get married again? Absolutely,” she says.

“I still have this hokey idea of love and marriage going together.”

 ?? STAN HONDA/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Hillary and Julie Goodridge were among plaintiffs in cases that led to the U. S. Supreme Court in 2015 granting marriage rights to gay and lesbian people. Today, more than 500,000 same- sex couples are married.
STAN HONDA/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Hillary and Julie Goodridge were among plaintiffs in cases that led to the U. S. Supreme Court in 2015 granting marriage rights to gay and lesbian people. Today, more than 500,000 same- sex couples are married.
 ??  ?? Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the Supreme Court’s recent decision applying sex discrimina­tion laws in the workplace to sexual orientatio­n and gender identity. HANNAH GABER/ USA TODAY
Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the Supreme Court’s recent decision applying sex discrimina­tion laws in the workplace to sexual orientatio­n and gender identity. HANNAH GABER/ USA TODAY
 ?? JACK GRUBER/ USA TODAY ?? Jim Obergefell, lead plaintiff in the 2015 case that brought same- sex marriage to all 50 states, remembers “the air was electric.”
JACK GRUBER/ USA TODAY Jim Obergefell, lead plaintiff in the 2015 case that brought same- sex marriage to all 50 states, remembers “the air was electric.”

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