USA TODAY International Edition

Texas halts reopening plans amid surge in cases

- Contributi­ng: Jessica Menton, Nicole Cobler, Jane Musgrave, Grace Hauck, Khrysgiana Pineda, Elizabeth Weise and Grace Hauck

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday halted the state’s reopening plan and suspended elective surgeries in its largest counties in order to expand hospital bed availabili­ty for COVID- 19 patients.

The state broke its record for hospitaliz­ations for the 13th day in a row and reported 5,551 new cases Wednesday. The state is in Phase 3 of Abbott’s plan to reopen, which allowed restaurant­s to increase occupancy levels to 75% and most businesses to move to 50% occupancy. Abbott declined to roll back those orders.

“The last thing we want to do as a state is go backward and close down businesses,” Abbott said. “This temporary pause will help our state corral the spread until we can safely enter the next phase of opening our state for business.”

The U. S. on Wednesday saw more than 34,000 new coronaviru­s cases — the highest daily count since April — with three of the nation’s most populous states also reporting record- setting highs in daily cases.

Risks to pregnant women

Pregnant women may be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID- 19 compared with non- pregnant women, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, breaking from earlier guidance that found no difference in risk between the two groups. The good news is that pregnant women who are infected with COVID- 19 aren’t at any greater risk of death than women who aren’t pregnant, said a CDC official. The worse news is that infected pregnant women are more likely to be hospitaliz­ed and are at increased risk for ICU admission and to require mechanical ventilatio­n.

Tax deadline delay

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has left the door open to extending the July 15 tax deadline for a second time to Sept. 15. The Treasury already pushed back the traditiona­l April 15 deadline for federal 2019 returns.

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