USA TODAY International Edition

Opposing View: ‘ Barrett should be confirmed without delay’

- Jane Timken Jane Timken is chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. ( This viewpoint was originally published in The Cincinnati Enquirer, which is part of the USA TODAY Network.)

The assault by the left on Judge Amy Coney Barrett — a wife, a mother of seven and a highly regarded jurist by people of both parties — has already begun. Democratic Party hypocrisy has been taken to a new extreme in the case of Barrett’s nomination to the U. S. Supreme Court.

Democrats have started spewing ridiculous claims, one of which is that Barrett, who is herself a woman, will somehow turn back the clock on women’s rights. This is where the feminism that the Democrats spout sours. Feminism is supposed to empower women, but the left has manipulate­d the definition into something that can only be utilized by, or applied to, fellow liberals, and not to conservati­ve women.

Barrett is the very embodiment of feminism. She did not let motherhood deter her from career ambitions, nor did she allow a successful career prevent her from raising a family. Barrett is an example of a modern woman who has it all, while being unwavering in her Catholic faith.

If Democrats looked solely at Barrett’s judicial qualifications, they’d find that she is incredibly qualified, experience­d and capable. But, to them, a conservati­ve constituti­onalist is horrifying, and so they choose to attack her as a mom and a Christian woman of faith instead. After constant hypocrisy from the liberal elite, it’s no surprise that the “tolerant left” is not so tolerant after all.

President Donald Trump chose her to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court because he knows she will apply the law as written and enforce the text, structure and original understand­ing of our nation’s Constituti­on. The American Bar Associatio­n rated her “well qualified,” a rating even high- ranking Democrats refer to as the “gold standard” for evaluating judicial nominees.

The president of the United States has a right and a duty to fill any vacancies on the court, and President Trump followed precedent in doing so. Now, it is up to the Senate to confirm the nomination. All members of the Senate, but especially the Republican majority, have a responsibi­lity to fulfill their constituti­onal duty and consider Barrett’s nomination fully and completely. Amy Coney Barrett should be confirmed without delay.

President Trump ran on a campaign of “Promises Made, Promises Kept.” By nominating Barrett, he has kept one of his many promises to the American people.

I look forward to Judge Barrett’s confirmation to the U. S. Supreme Court.

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