USA TODAY International Edition

Incognito mode is for more than privacy

Shopping or viewing can cut clutter, keep secrets

- Tech Talk Kim Komando

If you browse the web in Incognito mode, everything you do is private, right? In a word, no.

Your internet service provider, for example, can still see your activity. This misconcept­ion has even turned into a legal battle. A proposed class- action lawsuit accuses Google of tracking users while in Incognito mode.

If Incognito mode isn't genuinely private, why use it? I have a few practical uses you’ll want to try.

What does Incognito mode do?

While Incognito mode does provide more privacy than if you’re not using it, it doesn’t live up to the expectatio­ns that many have. So, what exactly does it mean to use incognito mode?

When you surf the web incognito, your browser doesn’t save your browsing history, cookies, site data or informatio­n you enter in forms. It does, however, keep any downloaded files or bookmarks created during the session. Not to mention the fact that your IP address and computer data are still vulnerable to hackers.

Your internet service provider can still see your activity, as can a school or employer providing your internet access

When using Incognito mode is a good idea

Now, you don't have true anonymity in Incognito mode, but that doesn't mean it's not worth using. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Signing in to multiple email accounts

It's a pain when you want to check your personal inbox, but you're logged into another account. Instead of using separate browsers or signing in and out of your accounts, use Incognito mode.

Sign into your work email using your browser, then open an Incognito window for your personal account.

2. Shopping for gifts

Whenever you shop online for a gift, whether it's for a birthday, anniversar­y, or Christmas, you want it to be a surprise. Targeted ads can ruin those special moments.

When you shop online, your browser keeps tabs on everything that you look for. Later, you'll see ads pop- up on other sites that try to get you to come back to make the purchase – even if you already bought the item.

Those ads won't be displayed only for you. If the person you're buying the gift for uses your computer, tablet or smartphone, they will see the same ads.

3. Avoid auto- fill suggestion­s in the future

Ever need to find instructio­ns for a DIY project on a site like YouTube? The platform is great for learning how to do pretty much anything these days. Need to know how to replace the battery in your car? No worries, there are tons of YouTube videos that will give you stepby- step details on how to do it.

But the need to change your car battery only comes around once every few years. You don't want to be inundated with suggestion­s on how to change your car's battery every time you visit YouTube or any other site for that matter.

You can avoid these annoying suggestion­s by searching in Incognito mode. When your battery dies three years from now, you can do another search for instructio­ns without being bombarded with suggestion­s.

4. Booking travel

Some travel companies track what you've searched for recently and will increase prices the next time you visit the site. If you use Incognito mode, you don't have to worry about price gouging.

It's not just the travel industry that does this, either. Many online shopping sites know when you're stalking an item and could raise the price if you leave and come back later to buy it.

5. View a site as an outsider

Do you have your own website and want to see what it looks like to new visitors? You can check it out in Incognito mode for a fresh perspectiv­e.

There are many reasons to use Incognito mode, even though it might not be as private as you'd hoped. Take advantage of these ideas and you'll never have to worry about ruining the surprise of a special anniversar­y gift again.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Using incognito mode to check or send from your personal email account can help boost your privacy.
GETTY IMAGES Using incognito mode to check or send from your personal email account can help boost your privacy.
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