USA TODAY International Edition

Are we on the road to popular fixes or liberal ruination?

- David Mastio and Jill Lawrence Deputy editorial page editor, commentary editor USA TODAY David Mastio (@ DavidMasti­o) is deputy editorial page editor. Jill Lawrence (@ JillDLawre­nce) is commentary editor.

President Joe Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Deputy Editorial Page Editor David Mastio and Commentary Editor Jill Lawrence watched the 65- minute speech and had strikingly different reactions to what the president said.

David: Donald Trump is gone, but Washington is still stuck on abnormal. Joe Biden has brought back low- key competence and along with it a sense of calm, yet I can’t wrap my mind around a speech to a joint session of Congress centered on plans to spend $ 6 trillion and change in addition to the regular budget.

Biden’s speech Wednesday night made it seem all so reasonable and normal. His tone was folksy and quiet. He only repeated one falsehood from The Washington Post’s list of Biden’s first 100 days’ misleading claims ( traveling “17,000 miles with” Chinese president Xi Jinping when they were both vice presidents). But at its core, Biden proposed a cradle- to- grave liberalism that is shocking in its ambition. From preschool for 3- and 4- year- olds to home care for grandma, every stage of life can be improved with a dollop of federal largesse. And we can afford it all with no sacrifice. We just need big business and the rich to pay their “fair share” and stop cheating on their taxes.

This is looney tunes. The American Rescue Plan, the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan must inevitably come with costs, unintended consequenc­es and misfires. Federal money always comes with strings. If Biden gets his way, we’ll be sorting out the wreckage for decades.

Jill: I experience­d the same contrast in style and substance as you, but where you see a shockingly ambitious liberal agenda, I see a popular corrective to decades of neglect. Decades of starving the government and enriching the rich while ignoring structural racism, gun violence, immigratio­n problems and income inequality so severe it undercuts our ownership of upward mobility and the American dream.

If Biden gets even half of this done, and I hope he gets it all, he will have FIXED decades of wreckage.

It is absolutely refreshing to hear a Democrat just go for it, making the case for why each component is reasonable and necessary for the future of our families and the country overall. Just like Republican­s did when they kept talking about repealing the Affordable Care Act signed by President Barack Obama.

I realize Biden’s plans are expensive, but a lot of this can be paid for by restoring a fairer tax system. And, of course, the economic growth that Republican­s always promise but rarely if ever deliver. Biden’s plans have got to work better than trickle- down economics. They help people who need help, not those who are already wealthy and usually forget to trickle anything down.

David: Decades of neglect? Eight of the last 12 years have been under a Democratic president who had Joe Biden as his vice president. Was Obama neglecting America when he reshaped nearly one- fifth of the American economy with the Affordable Care Act?

What you see as decades of neglect I see as decades of Democratic political defeats. Republican­s haven’t neglected gun violence; they’ve refused to go along with Democrats’ agenda to water down gun rights. Republican­s haven’t neglected immigratio­n; they’ve approached it from a radically different point of view than Democrats. Under Trump, it was surely the wrong approach, but it was anything but neglect. Biden’s victory was slim and no repudiatio­n of Republican­s on their core issues.

I fear that Biden rode into office on the votes of Americans who thought he was the moderate, modest choice in the Democratic field. Now they’re finding out he’s gone far to the left of where Democrats were under the two previous Democratic presidents. That will reunite the right, still under the sway of Donald Trump, and turn off Joe Biden’s support in the center leading to a Democratic disaster in the 2022 House and Senate elections.

The reason I voted for Biden was in the hope that he would keep the Democrats’ far left in check long enough to unite the country through a couple of election cycles and help purge the Republican Party of Trumpism. After this speech, I see I am not in luck.

Jill: Republican­s have been thwarting Democratic attempts to deal with neglect while trying their best to make sure people who tend to vote for Democrats are penalized as much as possible under a system of government that puts them at a structural disadvanta­ge from the start.

The two parties haven’t always been at odds on immigratio­n reform and gun measures like universal background checks. They weren’t always at odds on health care. The ACA was based on conservati­ve ideas like personal responsibi­lity, competitio­n and preserving private health insurance.

But Obama got nowhere trying to compromise, and Democrats may be loath to spend too much time attempting it with people who won’t tell the truth about Biden’s fair and square 2020 win or outright condemn the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. They are understand­ably ready to accomplish as much as they can as fast as they can.

I see this as making up for lost ground. You see it as the ruination of America. At this point, I think all we can agree on is that Biden is clearly comfortabl­e in this job and reassuring­ly competent at doing it. At 78, he projected vigor and caring and, at last, normalcy. I know that is small consolatio­n for conservati­ves. Now you know how liberals have felt in the years since Republican­s decided politics was a zero sum game and crowned Donald Trump their leader.

 ?? USA TODAY ?? President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.
USA TODAY President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.
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