USA TODAY International Edition

Dems face challenge in ‘ defund the police’

Republican­s use activist call against opponents

- Phillip M. Bailey

Shortly after Democratic Rep. Val Demings entered Florida’s 2022 Senate race, incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio went on the offensive.

The Miami Republican called the congresswo­man a “far left liberal Democrat” who supports defunding police. It’s an attack he plans to repeat.

“Congresswo­man Demings has turned her back on police officers in order to be accepted by radical left- wing activists,” Rubio told USA TODAY in a statement.

Demings, who served as an Orlando police officer for more than 25 years, didn’t let Rubio’s claims go unchalleng­ed. Her campaign shared a photo of the congresswo­man decked out in her police chief uniform. She said Black and Hispanic communitie­s, hit hardest by crime, “don’t want to defund the police, they just want to be treated with dignity and respect.”

“Defunding the police is not the answer, and I think I’ve been pretty strong on that, so Marco Rubio and his enablers can say whatever they want to say,” she said.

The early sparring between Rubio and Demings could be a preview of how Democrats and Republican­s plan to push their message to voters about America’s thorny police debate in the 2022 election cycle.

As murder rates rise in major cities and videos of Black Americans having violent encounters with law enforce

ment draw condemnati­on, Democrats search for a better way to package to voters the demands of left- leaning activists while fending off GOP attacks. The party’s slim majorities in both chambers of Congress are on the line.

A Suffolk University/ USA TODAY poll focused on Milwaukee residents’ attitudes toward police underscore­s the challenge for Democrats.

Fifty- seven percent of residents say they oppose the phrase “defund the police,” the slogan that has gained popularity among activists. That includes 44% of Black Milwaukee residents who say they are against the term versus 35% who support it.

Along party lines, almost half of Democrats ( 48%) oppose the phrase compared with 84% of Republican­s and 61% of independen­ts.

Among the 500 adults polled, a majority say they do support moving taxpayer dollars away from law enforcemen­t to other agencies. When asked about “cutting some funding” from police budgets and using those resources for social services, such as for the homeless or mentally ill, 55% favor that idea.

It is a position held by a majority across many demographi­cs, including white, Black and Hispanic residents, as well as Democrats and independen­ts. Among Republican­s, the majority ( 76%) oppose the idea.

‘ It wasn’t message- tested’

Andra Gillespie, a political science professor at Emory University, said the Milwaukee numbers parallel national data, which shows a skepticism and confusion about what “defund” means.

“Blacks are more likely to perceive discrimina­tion from the police, they’re more likely to talk about having been personally discrimina­ted against, and I think we need to take that seriously,” Gillespie said. “And they may even express greater skepticism of the police, but that is by no means a declaratio­n of their being anti- police.”

The Milwaukee survey found 71% of Black respondent­s say police treat them differently from other races. Only 17% say police do an excellent or good job compared with 46% of whites.

Gillespie said studies about the movements calling for stiffer police accountabi­lity found a diverse debate among organizers and activists. She said there was a greater appeal for calls such as “divest and invest” as the goal for changing law enforcemen­t. “Defund the police became very catchy, and it was very attention- grabbing,” she said. “But it wasn’t message- tested.”

Tolulope Kevin Olasanoye, national political and organizing director for Collective PAC, which sponsored a study of the 2020 elections showing issues with Democrats’ messaging, said the Milwaukee numbers are reminiscen­t of the fallout in 2010 around President Barack Obama’s federal health care overhaul.

Polling showed parts of the Affordable Care Act – such as removing insurance barriers for people with preexistin­g conditions – were popular with voters. Conservati­ves assailed the changes as a government takeover of the health care system, and the accusation­s succeeded in many races when the law was attached to Obama and viewed less favorably.

“This is Obamacare 2.0,” Olasanoye said. “This is Republican­s using the term ‘ defund the police’ as a way of turning what are fairly reasonable policy proposals into something that is scary for white voters specifically.”

Olasanoye said Democratic strategist­s and campaigns have to become more aggressive about accentuati­ng police accountabi­lity measures voters want rather than playing defense on a term they fear.

He said conservati­ve attacks around police issues “demonize people of color, who are legitimate­ly concerned about watching their kids and kids that look like them die on the streets at the hands of police.”

GOP operatives are open about their 2022 plans to ramp up rhetoric that liberal policymake­rs are anti- police and that Democrats’ ideas will allow crime to worsen.

“This could end up ... the defining issue of 2022. I actually think it could be a bigger problem for Democrats than it was in 2020,” said Steven Law, president and CEO of Senate Leadership Fund President, a super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R- Ky.

Law said Republican­s plan to argue that “defund the police” has turned from a rhetorical slogan to an active policy pursuit by Democrats. They will couple that with anxiety about rising violent crime; homicides jumped by 25% and assaults by 12% in 2020 compared with the previous year, according to the FBI’s National Incident- Based Reporting System.

The Milwaukee survey asked respondent­s if they feel safer with more or less police in their neighborho­od, and an overwhelmi­ng 62% say more cops made them feel safer, including 58% of Black residents.

That data has Republican­s emboldened, Law said.

“You have an issue that has been completely quiet for decades, and all of a sudden, people are noticing it in their communitie­s and feeling very personally threatened by it,” he said. “You will see political problems the Democrats suffered in 2020 and see it significantly amplified, because it’s now a bigger issue than ever.”

Some Democrats, still feeling anxiety about 2020 being a letdown electorall­y, point to the results in New Mexico’s special House election June 1 as a sign Republican attacks about public safety won’t work.

Democrat Melanie Stansbury won in a landslide against a Republican who repeatedly attacked her views on policing.

But that was in a heavily Democratic district. The criticisms are likely to be more potent in swing districts.

Democrats point to Jan. 6

Brett Broesder, executive director of Democrats Serve, a national group that supports Democratic candidates with public service background­s, said the Florida Senate race will be a ripe testing ground for the party.

In Congresswo­man Demings, we’re talking about somebody who is so well equipped to tackle this issue as a candidate, especially juxtaposed against Marco Rubio,” who voted against supporting a commission to investigat­e the attack Jan. 6 on the U. S. Capitol, Broesder said.

As the 2022 campaigns take shape, Broesder said, Democrats must go on the offensive when confronted with defund the police attacks.

The attack on the Capitol, where dozens of law enforcemen­t officers were injured by rioters upset about Joe Biden’s election victory, makes many criticisms about police funding void, he argued.

“You will start seeing people using Jan. 6, especially as more survey data comes out that I would imagine is going to show that that’s a salient hit against Republican­s who are against looking at what role politics played in the insurrecti­on,” he said.

Law, the McConnell ally, said he expects Democrats will use the Capitol attack against Republican­s, but he feels it won’t hold the same visceral reaction as crime does with voters.

“I’m not saying ( Democrats) won’t try it,” he said. “But if you’re sitting in a community where there are break- ins and thefts and violent crime escalating rapidly around you: One candidate wants to beef up police support, and the other candidate has a record of either assailing the police or wanting to dramatical­ly cut back funding for them.”

 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO/ AP ?? Protesters demand police defunding Oct. 14 in New York.
JOHN MINCHILLO/ AP Protesters demand police defunding Oct. 14 in New York.
 ?? JACK GRUBER/ USA TODAY ?? “Defunding the police is not the answer, and I think I’ve been pretty strong on that,” Val Demings says.
JACK GRUBER/ USA TODAY “Defunding the police is not the answer, and I think I’ve been pretty strong on that,” Val Demings says.

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