USA TODAY International Edition

Fourth wave of virus hits US

Unvaccinat­ed kids, adults may suffer most from spread

- Karen Weintraub

A doubling of COVID- 19 cases in the past two weeks suggests the USA has entered a fourth wave of the pandemic.

The example of the United Kingdom suggests the infection rate could get high, while hospitaliz­ations and deaths stay relatively low.

Instead of the virus raging through entire communitie­s, it is likely to target the unvaccinat­ed, including children, and if rates are high enough, the most vulnerable of the vaccinated – the elderly and the immunocomp­romised.

“Since the majority of our population is now immune, it’s unlikely that we’re going to return to the massive nationwide waves we saw back in January,” David Dowdy, an infectious disease epidemiolo­gist with the Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said.

But major outbreaks can still occur, particular­ly in areas with low vaccinatio­n rates.

“We’re going to be living in two pandemic worlds, the world that’s vaccinated and the world that’s unvaccinat­ed,” said Luis Ostrosky, chief of infectious diseases at UTHealth and an infectious disease specialist at Memorial Hermann- Texas Medical Center in Houston.

The three vaccines authorized for use in the USA, from Moderna, PfizerBioNTec­h and Johnson & Johnson, have all been shown to be highly effective against variants of the virus, including delta, which accounts for most of the cases in the nation.

More than 99% of those hospitaliz­ed with COVID- 19 are unvaccinat­ed. Ostrosky said virtually all his patients are unvaccinat­ed and all regret not getting the shots.

COVID- 19 may not be as deadly in this new wave, because older people are largely vaccinated and younger people are less likely to die from an infection, said Ravina Kullar, an infectious disease specialist and epidemiolo­gist and adjunct faculty member at UCLA Medical Center. But the delta variant is substantia­lly more contagious.

“The concern about delta is wellplaced,” said Dr. Yonatan Grad, an infectious disease specialist at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. “We’re certainly seeing that this wave is something to contend with and not to take lightly.”

COVID- 19 rates are rising again

In the U. K., which has roughly the same rate of vaccinatio­ns as the USA, the seven- day average number of infections is back to where it was Jan. 20.

In the USA, infections have more than doubled since the week of June 22. New cases are rising in all 50 states, and hospitaliz­ations are increasing, according to data out Sunday from Johns Hopkins University. More than 25,000 U. S. patients who probably had COVID- 19 were in hospitals Saturday, up 24.1% from a week earlier. Throughout the week, hospitals admitted 51,378 likely COVID- 19 patients, up 15%, and 6,198 adults with COVID- 19 were in intensive- care units, up 25.7%.

Still, the infection rates are well below what they were at the January peak.

There’s still another spike expected this fall. The coronaviru­s is probably seasonal, which means people are more vulnerable in colder months.

About 80% of those over 65 are fully vaccinated in the USA, so younger people represent a higher percentage of those falling ill. Although children under 12 are unlikely to get a severe case, they are unable to get vaccinated, so they remain vulnerable to the delta variant.

“By virtue of kids not having the opportunit­y to be vaccinated at the same level as adults, I think they are going to experience a disproport­ionate burden of infection and sickness from the delta variant,” Dowdy said.

The vaccines are good but not perfect. People who get infected after vaccinatio­n, even if their infection is so mild they don’t notice, could be contagious, though probably less than those who aren’t vaccinated, Grad said.

Those who get mild disease after vaccinatio­n could suffer symptoms of “long- haul COVID,” said Priya Duggal, an epidemiolo­gist at Johns Hopkins.

People who have caught COVID- 19 are likely to be protected against reinfectio­n for at least a year, according to a study published in the journal Nature. Researcher­s found that getting vaccinated after infection boosted by 50- fold the activity of neutralizi­ng antibodies needed to repel the virus and prevented infection with variants.

“There are still unknowns about the extent and duration of protection from natural infection and how well there’s protection against new variants,” Grad said. “Even people who have had COVID- 19 are still advised to get vaccinated.”

Although the vaccines appear effective against variants, if the virus spirals out of control anywhere in the world, new variants could challenge immunity, Dowdy said. “As long as the virus is circulatin­g, mutating in other countries, it’s going to be a threat to us, too,” he said.

What can be done?

To reverse the increase in infections, what’s needed “is really injecting a sense of urgency into the equation,” Ostrosky said, recommendi­ng that people get vaccinated and resume wearing masks indoors when in public.

“If we don’t act now, we’re just going to be in the same situation we were in a year ago with closures, with disruption­s, with deaths,” he said.

Ostrosky said he thinks there are two types of people declining vaccinatio­n: those greatly misinforme­d and those who need more reassuranc­e that they are not going to be harmed by the shots, which have been given to more than 185 million. “Access is really not the issue right now, it’s more reluctance,” he said.

Unfortunat­ely, he said, the people most reluctant to get vaccinated are also those most reluctant to wear masks.

Kullar said she wishes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had waited longer before saying masks are unnecessar­y for the fully vaccinated. Instead of providing an incentive to get vaccinated, the move encouraged everyone, including the unvaccinat­ed, to take off their masks, she said. “It confused the public even more.”

She said people should wear masks indoors in public places until at least 70% of their community is vaccinated, “and if you’re immunosupp­ressed, I wouldn’t remove your mask.” Outdoors remains safe, she said, particular­ly if people keep their distance from others.

The most important thing in the battle against COVID- 19, Ostrosky said, is for people to get vaccinated.

“We can do this,” he said. “We have no time to waste.”

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