USA TODAY International Edition

Other Views: Recall could resonate beyond California

- Ben Jealous, USA TODAY:

“Imagine someone like Rush Limbaugh as governor of California. That’s right. Polls show that if voters do not reject the recall, right- wing talk- radio host Larry Elder is likely to become governor. ( He) has spoken against the minimum wage and family medical leave. He has stated that women make too much of sexism. And he thinks bosses should be able to ask women whether they intend to have children and discrimina­te against them if they say yes. Elder has promoted white supremacis­t ideology. He believes it is a lie that racism is a problem. ... He blames young Black people killed by police for not being more deferentia­l to officers. ... The prospect of seizing power in California has rightwing activists fired up to vote.”

Ginger Rutland, Times of San Diego:

“Voters are being forced to pay for this electoral abominatio­n. The California Associatio­n of Clerks and Election Officials estimates it will cost $ 400 million. That’s enough money to supply 200,000 tiny homes to house the legions of homeless in California. ... But the waste of money is not the only evil here. The recall as a device, is wide open for abuse and manipulati­on. Just about anyone – wealthy special interests, extreme partisans, purveyors of nutcase conspiracy theories, i. e. anti- vaxxers and mask opponents – can put a recall on the ballot. Unlike impeachmen­t, the targeted elected official faces no formal charges. He does not have to commit high crimes or misdemeano­rs, or any act of moral turpitude. ... Partisan special interests seek to negate our vote and to recall a governor that Black citizens voted for overwhelmi­ngly in 2018.”

Lincoln Mitchell, CNN:

“At mid- summer, polls suggested California’s recall election was getting close and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom was in danger of losing his job. But recent polls indicate an increasing chance the recall will fail. ... With Elder’s ascent, Newsom and the Democrats supporting him could now put a name and a face to the danger of a recall, which requires a majority of votes to oust Newsom but only a plurality to elect a replacemen­t. ... Elder has also followed in Donald Trump’s footsteps in recent days by baselessly suggesting ‘ there might very well be shenanigan­s’ in the recall election. ... While Elder’s campaign has been a gift to the Democrats in the short term, it may help undermine our democratic processes and make it harder to vote in the long run.”

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