USA TODAY International Edition

We were injured in the truck bombing at Khobar Towers

Force Iran to pay victims of this terrorist attack

- Christophe­r Nagel and Clayton Zook Air Force veterans Air Force veterans Christophe­r Nagel and Clayton Zook suffered injuries in the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996.

For a generation, too many of the injured U. S. military survivors of the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and their families have suffered in near silence, barely remembered but forever wounded and damaged.

The toll of the past 25 years for us and so many others has been excruciati­ng: life- changing physical injuries, posttrauma­tic stress, constant anxiety, nightmares and far too many damaged and broken relationsh­ips.

The 5,000- pound truck bomb detonated at the Khobar Towers complex in Dhahran killed 19 U. S. airmen and injured more than 400 others. We served there on a peacekeepi­ng mission, charged with monitoring Iraqi compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution­s.

The terrorist attack quickly was traced to Iran, a U. S.- designated state sponsor of terrorism, and its agents in the Hezbollah militant group. While Iran drifted in out of geopolitic­al relevance for the next two decades, we never gave up on seeking justice.

A lawsuit against Iran

In 2019, our group of 14 injured U. S. Air Force members and 21 family members brought a federal court lawsuit against Iran under the terrorism exception to the U. S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

The defendants were the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps and the Iranian Ministry of Informatio­n and Security.

In July 2020, the court ruled that the Iranian defendants directed and provided material support to Hezbollah terrorists who attacked the Khobar Towers. The judgment against Iran included $ 132 million for pain and suffering and hundreds of millions of dollars in prejudgmen­t interest.

We recently learned that the U. S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism fund likely would pay a portion of the damage award. The USVSST fund had been created to compensate American victims of acts of internatio­nal terrorism with funds obtained from fines and forfeiture­s levied against companies caught illegally laundering money for sanctioned countries and persons.

But even with a judgment against Iran in hand, our fight was – and is – far from over.

The USVSST fund recently announced that there will be insufficient funds to authorize additional payments to terrorism victims by January. The Trump administra­tion decreased the Department of Justice prosecutio­ns of Office of Foreign Assets Control violations, which resulted in the USVSST fund having limited assets for near- term distributi­on to victims.

This was terribly disappoint­ing – especially since our lawyers had helped obtain legislativ­e changes that increased the money that qualifies for deposit into the USVSST fund and extending the victims fund’s sustainabi­lity until 2039.

Forgotten victims of terrorism

The recent 20th anniversar­y of the 9/ 11 attack was a painful reminder that our families feel like we are among the forgotten victims of global terrorism. Politician­s may support us at memorial services and in meetings on Capitol Hill, and then do nothing – because they can’t or won’t help.

We will continue to seek to hold the government of Iran accountabl­e for the attack on us as long as is necessary. We simply want our Congress and president to do the same – and honor their commitment­s to U. S. terrorism victims.

Iran, meanwhile, demands an ascendant geopolitic­al role, but its leaders still will not account for its actions at Khobar Towers.

Make no mistake about it, however, we will continue to seek to hold the government of Iran accountabl­e for the attack on us as long as is necessary. We simply want our Congress and president to do the same – and honor their commitment­s to U. S. terrorism victims.

Because Iran so grievously injured us, caused endless medical complicati­ons and expenses, and stole from us our abilities to fully work, love and live, we still want justice.

The massive Khobar Towers explosion took so much from our minds and bodies on the day in 1996 – and still does every day and night. For that, we want the world to remember the evil that Iran did.

And we want our nation’s leaders to help force Iran to pay the high price it should, as ordered by the court.

 ?? U. S. AIR FORCE ?? In 1996, a 5,000- pound truck bomb detonated at the Khobar Towers complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killed 19 U. S. airmen and injured more than 400 others.
U. S. AIR FORCE In 1996, a 5,000- pound truck bomb detonated at the Khobar Towers complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killed 19 U. S. airmen and injured more than 400 others.
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