USA TODAY International Edition

Hanukkah ends, but our work continues

Shine a light on diversity and dissent

- Jack Moline Rabbi Jack Moline is president of Interfaith Alliance, which is dedicated to protecting the integrity of religion and democracy in America.

Monday is, technicall­y, the final day of Hanukkah, but for those who celebrate, the holiday really ended Sunday night as we lit all eight of our candles with a ninth, the shamash, or helper candle.

Even in the Jewish community, few know that the holiday’s visual crescendo, nine candles blazing to commemorat­e the legendary miracle of a single day’s oil lasting for eight nights, reflects a long- ago argument between two giants of Jewish thought: Rabbis Shammai and Hillel. It’s an argument that has much to teach us in today’s America.

Disagreeme­nts and tensions that go to the heart of how a people sees itself and its place in the world aren’t new and can likely be found in any country or religion. My faith tradition is shaped by centuries of arguments among a long line of our greatest teachers, all of them devoted to their people and its future.

In every culture and time, seemingly small things carry enormous weight. Shammai believed that the full number of candles should be deployed on the first night of Hanukkah, an echo of ancient sacrificial practices on which the holiday was based, leaving just one candle plus the shamash on the final night’s celebratio­n.

Hillel insisted that we must add to the number of lights each night, building from two small flames to that final bright blaze.

A small thing, surely! But ultimately, Hillel’s reasoning was adopted – because it looks forward, not back. “We should increase in sanctity,” he wrote, “and never diminish.”

Hillel understood that ancient practice, however honored, wasn’t the right choice to inspire a new generation in a new context.

America embraces rich diversity of religions

In my position as president of Interfaith Alliance, I’ve adopted Hillel’s outlook on religious freedom. When the American Founders included religious freedom in the First Amendment, they likely wouldn’t have been able to imagine the rich diversity of religious life that would come to exist here more than 200 years later.

The context of American religious life has expanded and evolved tremendous­ly over the centuries, the blaze of free thought and free belief only increasing, to further illuminate the darkness.

Each faith that has establishe­d itself in our nation has added its own flame to the candelabru­m – and the expanding number of communitie­s for whom freedom of conscience exists outside traditiona­l religious frameworks adds to the historical­ly unpreceden­ted affirmation of pluralism.

There are those in this country who take an approach of diminishme­nt, however, believing that the “true” intent of our Founders was that our one nation should be led by just one religion. Other religions might be tolerated, but never affirmed, and in times of turbulence, must be doused and rejected in favor of that one, dominant light.

Most often I hear this from Christian nationalis­ts, but such triumphali­sm exists among adherents of many belief systems.

Here, of course, is the irony: Our First Amendment also protects the freedom to hold those narrow attitudes. However, its protection doesn’t extend to efforts to impose those attitudes on any who don’t share them.

Increase in freedom, never diminish

Interfaith Alliance defends diversity, but not its oppressive expression. We should increase in freedom, “and never diminish.”

It’s the nature of deep religious conviction to imagine it as a prescripti­on for the world rather than a personal perspectiv­e on life. Some folks with large megaphones are insistent on their message.

But the only thing universal about deeply held conviction­s is that we all have them. And with few exceptions, often reserved for the narcissist­ic of every bent, they all point in the same direction: a just and compassion­ate society that maximizes freedom and minimizes the diminishme­nt of others.

It’s popular to frame Hanukkah as a holiday of religious freedom.

It’s not.

Hanukkah actually celebrates the victory of militant Jewish zealots, devoted to Jewish rectitude, over oppressive intruders who were eager to impose their own worldview on others. The eight days of oil is a legend; we’re taught that the zealots needed that many days to cleanse our Temple from the contaminat­ion of outsiders.

Even 2,000 years ago, though, the architects of Jewish life recognized that suppressio­n of others doesn’t make for a better world. The Jewish people have never put the dry facts of that military struggle at the center of our Hanukkah celebratio­ns, eschewing them for the much quieter triumph of light over darkness.

When those rabbis of old debated how best to bring light into a darkened world, they made a point of preserving and honoring diversity and dissent. By doing so, they increased enlightenm­ent, never diminished it. That’s our mission today, too.

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