USA TODAY International Edition

‘ Northman’ mixes truth, over- the- top imaginatio­n

- Brian Truitt USA TODAY

Alexander Skarsgård spent a decade wanting to make the ultimate Viking movie, though initially, he didn’t imagine a world where he’d have to wear a flesh- colored thong during a naked duel to the death on top of an erupting volcano. ● “There were definitely moments where I was crying and cursing myself and every one of us,” Skarsgård says of the climactic finale of director Robert Eggers’ 10th- century revenge fantasy “The Northman” ( in theaters), a story that’s a reimaginin­g of the Scandinavi­an legend that inspired Shakespear­e’s “Hamlet” but that also is “kind of in my DNA.”

The Swedish actor stars in the film as Amleth, a prince of an island kingdom forced to flee at age 10 when his beloved father King Aurvandil ( Ethan Hawke) is murdered by his own brother Fjölnir ( Claes Bang). Twenty years later, Amleth lays waste to Slavic villages as a Viking berserker when reminded of his life’s mission – to avenge his father, save his mother ( Nicole Kidman), kill his uncle – and enlists the help of young witch Olga ( Anya Taylor- Joy) to infiltrate Fjölnir’s farm in Iceland.

And if the mere mention of Norse mythology and Vikings bring superhero Thor and a Minnesota football team to mind, think again. “Certainly since Wagner put horns on helmets in his operas in the 19th century, pop culture has been reinventin­g

Vikings to be whatever they want to be,” says Eggers, who previously directed period films “The Witch” and “The Lighthouse.”

The aforementi­oned volcanic death match is just one of many crazy scenes in a film that Eggers took pains to make historical­ly accurate. He and Skarsgård break down key aspects of “The Northman” that marry real Viking history and bonkers cinema:

Prepare yourself for a Viking kid’s trippy initiation ceremony

Before he’s murdered, Aurvandil ( Hawke) makes young Amleth ( Oscar Novak) go through a ritual that

readies the kid for the throne and essentiall­y is a Viking bar mitzvah, but with more howling, farting and psychedeli­c drugs. In one of the stranger visions, Amleth views a “tree of life” bearing fruit that happen to be his ancestors. The scene was born from Eggers’ research: The design of the genealogic­al tree was “based on a tapestry from a Viking burial found in Norway,” he says, and the clothes and armor of the ancestors were inspired by archeologi­cal discoverie­s from before the Viking age.

‘ The Northman’ takes us out to a Viking ball game

Amleth partakes in a brutal, mudbound round of Knattleikr, which Skarsgård describes as “a weird hybrid of lacrosse and MMA.” ( The sport was so popular in Viking times that it was played year- round, even on ice “where they would use bones from animals as skates,” the actor says.)

Adds Eggers: “A lot of historians think that they didn’t even bother keeping track of the score. It was all about who’s the last man standing.” Skarsgård put on muscular “heft” for the role but onscreen he had to go up against Icelandic strongman Hafþór Björnsson ( aka The Mountain from “Game of Thrones”).

“He’s a really lovely guy but so big and so strong that in those scenes when we’re running and he’d just lightly tap on my shoulder, I went flying.”

Björk ( yes, Björk) plays a witch based on Ukrainian folklore

The Icelandic singer plays the Seeress, a blind Slavic witch who puts Amleth back on his vengeful campaign, and for her and Taylor- Joy’s Olga, Eggers pulled from Ukrainian and Transcarpa­thian folk beliefs and witchcraft techniques. While Norse mythology is wellknown, “the Slavic religion in the 10th century is much more mysterious,” Eggers says. He also wanted something different than, say, what “The Vikings” TV show had done with “hordes and hordes of female warriors” that never existed. “It was interestin­g for me to explore these female characters who have agency and power, like in the patriarcha­l society, without rewriting history.”

A Valkyrie ( with Norse grills!) rides on to warrior heaven

“The Northman” includes a couple of scenes of a helmeted woman riding a horse on a cosmic path to Valhalla, an afterlife for fallen Vikings. Eggers wanted his warrior heaven to look like “a spectral event that exists in nature but is also something sublime.” As for what appears to be braces in the “otherworld­ly” Valkyrie’s mouth, he wasn’t inspired by ancient Scandinavi­an orthodonti­cs. Viking skulls have been found to have “horizontal grooves in the teeth,” Eggers says. “The most popular theory currently is that this was just a cool adornment and they would fill that gap with pigmented enamel. We chose black, but there’s a famous Viking king called Harald Bluetooth and there’s speculatio­n maybe he filled his gap with blue enamel.”

The naked volcanic climax uses documentar­y footage

Because of “the macho stuff and the right- wing misappropr­iation of Viking culture,” Eggers was never into Vikings until he visited Iceland’s “powerful landscapes,” he says. “I thought, if I’m going to do a Viking movie, it’s got to end with a naked sword fight on a volcano.” And it lives up to being, as Skarsgård says, “the most epic thing I’d ever seen.” Fun fact: Documentar­y footage of a recent Icelandic eruption was used in creating the visual effects of flames and cinders. “While Alex was shivering,” Eggers says, “I was wearing the finest raingear that humanity has ever invented.”

 ?? ?? Young Amleth ( Oscar Novak) with King Aurvandil ( Ethan Hawke) and Queen Gudrún ( Nicole Kidman), in “The Northman.”
Young Amleth ( Oscar Novak) with King Aurvandil ( Ethan Hawke) and Queen Gudrún ( Nicole Kidman), in “The Northman.”
 ?? PHOTOS PROVIDED BY FOCUS FEATURES ?? Alexander Skarsgård’s headwear is cool.
PHOTOS PROVIDED BY FOCUS FEATURES Alexander Skarsgård’s headwear is cool.
 ?? PROVIDED BY FOCUS FEATURES ?? Björk is the Seeress, a witch who reminds Amleth of his quest in “The Northman.”
PROVIDED BY FOCUS FEATURES Björk is the Seeress, a witch who reminds Amleth of his quest in “The Northman.”

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