USA TODAY International Edition

Carlson’s series is not a joke, experts say

- Alia E. Dastagir

When a trailer for “The End of Men” episode of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s “Tucker Carlson Originals” dropped last week with shirtless men swinging axes, wrestling and shooting guns, news headlines and social media users referred to it as “homoerotic” and “hilarious.” When more clips previewing the episode showed Carlson promoting the “bromeopath­y” therapy “testicle tanning,” he was further ridiculed and roasted by late- night hosts. Yet experts in masculinit­y and extremism say while promotion around Carlson’s program may appear ridiculous, it’s elevating dangerous propaganda.

“He and his writers are seeking to exploit a popular line of discourse on the far- right fringe that mainstream audiences may not be aware of,” said Michael Edison Hayden, a senior investigat­ive reporter with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligen­ce Project, which tracks the radical right. “It’s this hyper- masculiniz­ed propaganda that speaks to people who actually really admire the notion of ‘ men returning to men.’ My concern is that it has more appeal; it is more exciting to people than perhaps liberals and centrists may realize.”

Season 2 of Carlson’s series began streaming Monday on Fox Nation. A Fox News spokespers­on confirmed the “End of Men” episode will be available on Fox Nation this summer.

Carlson frequently uses his platform, the top- rated “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” to lament a masculinit­y crisis, and while many sociologis­ts who study gender agree boys and men are struggling, they diverge from Carlson on the forces responsibl­e as well as on the solutions necessary to address it. Carlson often suggests feminism is eroding manhood, but his detractors blame a rigid notion of masculinit­y that focuses on strength and dominance at the expense of all else. Radicaliza­tion experts say fitnessorien­tated culture intersects with extremism online, and the promo for Carlson’s program, with its framing of physical fitness and the pseudoscie­nce around testostero­ne health, is one way that toxic online narratives play on men’s insecuriti­es to recruit them into more extreme ideologies.

“This ‘ bromeopath­ic’ idea to increase testostero­ne is there to counteract the effects of feminism and the feminizati­on of the Western man,” said Pasha Dashtgard, director of research at American University’s Polarizati­on and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab. “This platformin­g by Tucker Carlson is happening because it falls into this narrative that there is a crisis of masculinit­y, that cancel culture and wokeness have emasculate­d men in America. Now conservati­ve politics is pushing the narrative of recapturin­g the strong protector, fighter, testostero­nefueled American man. These ideas that on the surface feel ridiculous are being used to justify a pretty ugly conspirato­rial narrative.”

Jackson Katz, creator of the film “The Man Card: White Male Identity Politics from Nixon to Trump,” said it’s shortsight­ed to mock or dismiss these appeals because aggrieved white manhood is a crucial factor in the rise of virtually all right- wing cults and political movements.

“‘ Lower levels of testostero­ne’ is a metaphor for what these movements are really concerned about: reclaiming white men’s loss of status and cultural centrality,” he said. “Tucker Carlson, Sen Josh Hawley, R- Mo. and others on the right are driving the narrative that many of the problems white men in this country face are due not to macroecono­mic factors like automation and wealthy corporatio­ns shipping jobs overseas to countries with weak labor and environmen­tal protection­s. No, white men are suffering because feminists and LGBTQ folks have somehow made them passive and soft. Instead of talking honestly about the true source of these problems, the supposedly ‘ conservati­ve’ solution they offer these men is to man up.”

Mark Greene, author of “The Little # MeToo Book for Men,” said Carlson’s program is normalizin­g ideas from the manosphere, defined by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “a constellat­ion of anti- women websites, subreddits, blogs and forums.”

“What I believe Tucker Carlson is doing is he’s taking a lot of the recruitmen­t strategies that are out there online for white supremacy and extremist movements and he’s bringing them into broadcast television. And this is a big transition for that,” Greene said.

The language used to promote the documentar­y can appeal to impression­able young men, Greene said, who may be confused or insecure about their masculinit­y. It suggests men are being feminized and erased, and it uses pseudoscie­nce to reinforce the gender binary through biological determinat­ion, an idea that says people’s behaviors are directly controlled by biology. It emphasizes that men are born to be strong, and that testostero­ne will help return them to a period when that strength was valued and unquestion­ed.

“Once a society collapses then, you’re in hard times … those hard times inevitably produce men who are tough, men who are resourcefu­l, men who are strong enough to survive,” a narrator says in the trailer. “They go on to reestablis­h order, and so the cycle begins again.”

Carlson spoke with Andrew McGovern, who is listed on LinkedIn as a personal trainer leader in Columbus, Ohio, at LifeTime Inc., which operates a chain of health clubs. McGovern said people who want to take their testostero­ne “to another level,” should try red- light therapy.

“It’s testicle tanning, but it’s also fullbody red- light therapy, which has massive amount of benefits,” McGovern said.

Michael J. Rovito, an associate professor in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Central Florida who specialize­s in men’s health, called the therapy “junk science,” noting that most of the data come from animal studies, and one cannot extrapolat­e animal findings to humans.

McGovern promoted the therapy as part of “bromeopath­y,’” a term he said captures medicine that is ignored or dismissed by mainstream science.

C. J. Pascoe, a professor of sociology at the University of Oregon who studies masculinit­y and homophobia, said promotion around the series emphasizes the sense that men and masculinit­y are under threat from a variety of sources. McGovern is talking about one “solution” to these threats, which runs into another perceived threat to masculinit­y: the act of seeking medical care. Men seek out medical and mental health care far less than women. Pascoe said when something is viewed as unmasculin­e or unmanly, “bro” is put in front of it, which is how “bromeopath­ic” is born.

“( It’s) as if that prefix will somehow imbue this practice or product with manliness,” she said.

The trailer for Carlson’s documentar­y features white, muscular male bodies exercising, wrestling, cooking, and shooting. A nude man stands on a rock tanning his testicles. A Black body is shown from the neck down, stomach soft, just before a clip of President John F. Kennedy saying, “There’s nothing I think more unfortunat­e than to have soft, chubby fat- looking children.”

This framing aligns with concepts American University sociology professor Cynthia Miller- Idriss addresses in her book, “Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right,” which explores how the far- right recruits through messaging about fitness and male bodies.

“The desire for perfectly sculpted male bodies situates physical fitness and muscular manhood as expression­s of both individual moral virtues like willpower, decisivene­ss, and courage, and desired collective traits like national strength, virility, and manliness,” she writes.

Experts say in the online male supremacis­t world there are many subculture­s fixated on the physical body. Men who participat­e in these communitie­s are focused on physical attractive­ness as the determinan­t of sexual success, which is a proxy for masculinit­y at large.

Hayden said it’s important to recognize that while the documentar­y seems outlandish, many figures the culture has found laughable have gone on to behave dangerousl­y. Hayden said “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec and Infowars Alex Jones were widely mocked before helping to inspire the Stop the Steal campaign.

People on both sides of the culture wars are in agreement that men are in crisis, yet Dashtgard said Carlson’s focus on testostero­ne is not a solution.

“Men are suffering. What can we do about that? We can offer them a vision of masculinit­y that is more expansive,” he said. “The idea is masculinit­ies, plural, that you can ride horses and also write poetry. That you can be in a band and you can also work on your car.

Hayden said it’s critical for men watching programs such as Carlson’s to be discerning about the content.

“There’s this idea in the culture that women and children are the people who are always being exploited, and men consider themselves impervious to that. It’s that very presumptio­n that makes them so vulnerable to hard- right propaganda,” Hayden said. “These things are targeted to appeal to insecuriti­es that men may not even realize that they have.”

 ?? RICHARD DREW/ AP FILE ?? Tucker Carlson’s new series espouses anti- feminist ideas.
RICHARD DREW/ AP FILE Tucker Carlson’s new series espouses anti- feminist ideas.

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