USA TODAY International Edition

New help with prescripti­on meds is just a start

Lawmakers need to know what it’s like to have to ration medication in order to make ends meet

- Angelina Scott Angelina Scott is a mother, grandmothe­r and proud member of MomsRising. She lives in North Augusta, South Carolina.

Like so many others, the exorbitant cost of my medication­s and health care has pushed my family into poverty and, at times, endangered my life. I have several serious health conditions that require medication, including an irregular heartbeat due to atrial fibrillation. I also have high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome and gastroesop­hageal reflux disease.

My husband and I work hard, but the cost of managing these conditions is out of our reach and we struggle mightily. I pay high co- pays each time I need to see a doctor, which is often. At times, refilling my prescripti­ons has cost hundreds of dollars each month.

Often, those are costs we just can’t bear. As my husband and I try to put the puzzle pieces of our budget together, we say things to each other like, “Well, if we refill this prescripti­on, we won’t be able to cover the mortgage.”

Or vice versa.

Forced to skip essential doses

There have been times when we couldn’t afford another trip to the grocery store, so the breakfast food we had in the fridge had to serve as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Other times, we’ve had our electricit­y cut off. We’ve lived all of those scenarios.

But the most frightenin­g scenario is when I have to ration my pills. Because of the high cost, I’ve skipped doses and gone for weeks without medication­s that are essential to my health. When I’m forced to ration my blood pressure medication, my body lets me know immediatel­y. I can feel my heart flutter. It affects everything, from my breathing to my logic and reasoning.

I’ll never forget stumbling into my pharmacy one day, my blood pressure soaring. I could barely see. I asked the pharmacist: Could you just give me a couple pills? Just five or six, until my next paycheck comes in? I’m scared of what will happen if I go any longer without them.

That’s degrading. Dehumanizi­ng. Unacceptab­le.

No one’s health should depend on what a pharmacy company decides to charge, what an insurance company decides to cover or the grace and generosity of a local pharmacist – who was thankfully able to help me that day.

Fired after doctor’s appointmen­ts

Throughout my life I’ve worked full time, often piecing together temp jobs and part- time work. I’ve had financial ups and downs, but in 2021, I hit a financial hurdle too many experience: I was fired because of the time I had to take off work for doctor’s appointmen­ts.

I didn’t have the paid sick days or paid medical leave I needed to manage my conditions. I showed my employer my doctor’s notes, but it didn’t matter. Suddenly, I lost my income and my health insurance, putting my family and my health in crisis. That’s not right – all hardworkin­g people should be able to access paid sick time and paid leave.

I recently found a new full- time job through a temp agency, and I’m also a self- employed notary.

I now get health insurance through the marketplac­e, but it does not cover all of my medication­s. For example, I do not take my IBS medication because it is not covered and I can’t afford it.

Our combined income is $ 3,300 per month. Our regular expenses are $ 3,287 per month. The medication­s I skip cost $ 585.

The money simply isn’t there. Millions of Americans like me are suffering and struggling because of the greed of insurance and pharmaceut­ical companies.

In a Kaiser Family Foundation poll from this spring, two- thirds of people with health care debt reported delaying care that they or a family member need in the past 12 months.

It’s past time Congress took action, and the Inflation Reduction Act that President Joe Biden signed into law on Tuesday is a start.

But the savings from Medicare finally being allowed to negotiate for lower prices for 10 medication­s won’t kick in until 2026, which seems very far away given my day- to- day struggles. I hope that some of my meds are among those 10, and that any cost savings Medicare negotiates will trickle down to people not on Medicare, like me. But that’s far from certain.

My health is not political chess

I’m tired of feeling like my health is caught up in a game of political chess. I wonder if our elected leaders know how it feels to choose between food and medicine.

It makes me want to shout: My health matters. My life matters. This is barbaric and cruel, and it shouldn’t be political.

This is why we need the commonsens­e policies in the reconcilia­tion package that help protect Americans from drug companies’ price gouging – and help ensure everyone can access the health care we need.

This includes allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, which will lower the price of prescripti­on medication­s for all of us, extending the premium support for health insurance purchased through the Affordable Care Act marketplac­es, and closing the Medicaid coverage gap. These policies are overwhelmi­ngly popular, and they would boost families, our public health and our economy.

We are grateful Congress finally had the courage to put the health of ordinary people above the profits of insurance and pharmaceut­ical companies.

Health care is a human right, and for many of us, this is a matter of life and death.

 ?? PROVIDED ?? Angelina Scott and her husband, Matthew, work to balance their budget priorities.
PROVIDED Angelina Scott and her husband, Matthew, work to balance their budget priorities.
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