USA TODAY International Edition

Little white lies get bigger in relationsh­ips

- Sara Kuburic Sara Kuburic is a therapist who specialize­s in identity, relationsh­ips and moral trauma.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “honesty is the best policy,” but this advice is not always easy to take, especially not in romantic relationsh­ips. Some people are surprised by their tendency or the ease with which they share “white lies.”

Others have normalized lying by saying things like, “it’s just what couples do” or “what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

But if you have noticed not being 100% honest ( or even flat- out dishonest) with your partner lately, it might be time to reflect on why that is. Everyone will have a unique cocktail of reasons ( or excuses) as to why they are lying, but here are some common ones:

Why you’re lying to your girlfriend, boyfriend

You are upkeeping previous lies. Do you know those cute little lies you thought didn’t matter when you started dating? Well, now you find yourself having to do the upkeep! Maybe you overemphas­ized how much you like camping or eating olives, you lied about liking football, or perhaps you wanted something in common, so you said their favorite band was yours.

And now, months or years later, you find yourself saying yes to camping, eating olives, hosting Super Bowl parties, or getting surprise tickets to this mediocre band on your birthday when all you wanted to do was see Dua Lipa.

You are trying to avoid conflict. Some of us are anxious or uncomforta­ble when facing conflict, and we might lie to avoid hard or triggering conversati­ons. If this is you, remember the more you avoid conflict, the more it builds – it doesn’t just go away.

You’re doing something you shouldn’t be. We often lie because we are doing something that will hurt or disrespect our partner and the relationsh­ip we built together.

Another reason we lie is that we want to avoid facing the truth about who we are or what our actions mean. So, it’s less about lying to our partner directly and more about them being the collateral damage to us lying to ourselves.

You and your partner struggle with communicat­ion. Maybe you are not used to disclosing your inner world to your partner or feel uncomforta­ble doing so, you might lie about your emotions or thoughts.

Maybe you don’t want to stress your partner out so you omit important facts about your new work position.

Have you ever hidden a personal purchase from your partner? What about taking cash out at the grocery store, so they don’t know, and you can use it for something else?

If you aren’t used to communicat­ing with your partner about money, interest, or needs, you might try and fulfill them without your partner knowing. It’s not malicious, but it’s a sign of a breakdown in communicat­ion.

You are trying to preserve your autonomy. Being in a relationsh­ip can feel like an attack on our independen­ce, which is not always easy to detect or communicat­e.

Sometimes lies are our attempt to preserve privacy or to have something that is just our own.

A solution would be to set boundaries, which requires clarity, honesty and communicat­ion.

You are scared that the truth will push them away. Maybe you are afraid to share that you’re still friends with your ex, that you don’t hold the same views on religion, that their family gets under your skin, or that you don’t want to have children. Sometimes we think we need to lie to keep our partner close.

You don’t want to hurt their feelings. It’s common to stumble upon couples who lie to avoid being “mean.” Maybe you find the foreplay too long, and perhaps their breath smells. Maybe their Christmas gift is not something you wanted.

And sometimes this looks like not telling your partner that when you first started dating you kissed someone else while intoxicate­d because it “didn’t mean anything.” Sometimes we lie in an effort to try and be “nice” or spare their feelings.

Your relationsh­ip is not a safe space for you. In some contexts, we lie for self- preservati­on. We don’t want to be punished or harmed, so we bend or skip the truth to meet our needs without dire consequenc­es.

These are unhealthy and dangerous relationsh­ips to be in.

So, why do you think you lie?

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