USA TODAY International Edition

Angst over awards season is not real life

- David Oliver

And the Oscar goes to ... not your favorite.

Awards season brings out the best – and worst – in celebrity worshipers. It’s easy to go on a Twitter tirade the second you feel someone’s been robbed of a trophy they deserved. But why do you care so much in the first place?

Chalk it up to our culture’s general obsession with celebritie­s. But don’t let your feelings consume your life.

“Fans of any media event must acknowledg­e its entertainm­ent function and intentiona­lly create a disconnect between art on screen and one’s real life,” says Melvin Williams, associate professor of communicat­ion and media studies at Pace University. “It is natural to feel disappoint­ment when a favorite star does not win. However, do not allow it to linger or compromise your mental health.”

Why do we care so much about awards, celebritie­s?

Celebritie­s can be a vessel for our hopes, dreams and disappoint­ments as opposed to real people.

“Stars are a blank screen upon which we can project any feelings we want – which, of course, includes hate as well as love – to any degree of intensity,” says David Schmid, associate professor of English at the University at Buffalo.

Typically, if the intensity is too much, there are some deeper issues at hand.

“From my own observatio­ns, most persons who engage in celebrity worship at the borderline pathologic­al level were probably already suffering from some sort of mental illness before they became so engaged in celebrity worship,” Gayle Stever, professor of psychology at SUNY Empire State College, has told USA TODAY.

Still, there has been a groundswel­l in recent years begging for more diversity at awards shows. Feelings of frustratio­n in our lives regarding race and identity in society may play out via representa­tion in art and when it is honored.

“Usually, what has happened in such cases is that there has been an excessive identification with an actor or artist and the outcome of an award decision,” says Glen Robert Gill, associate professor, of classics and general humanities at Montclair State University. “The viewer has tied some aspect of their self- identity to whether or not the star wins.”

Though the lines can blur, remember, a film or performanc­e can mean something without the societal gold standard of recognitio­n.

“Representa­tion at an awards ceremony matters, but it can’t matter more than representa­tion in the art itself, so we can’t put the cart before the horse, or the award above the film, as it were,” Gill adds.

So, if your favorite actor loses on Oscar night ...

● No one “stole” anything. “Remember that nothing was taken away, nothing was lost,” Gill says. “The film and the performanc­e that you appreciate­d is still there, and your appreciati­on and that of the community remains unaffected. And this fact, in turn, reveals something about these awards.”

● Recognize when there might be a problem. “If your negative reaction or frustratio­n at the outcome of an award exceeds your positive reaction or appreciati­on of the film or the performanc­e you wanted to win, you might want to rethink your priorities,” Gill adds.

● It’s OK to channel some energy into it. Of course, be invested in an awards show if you want. Just prepare yourself. As Schmid says: “With respect to this year’s Oscars, I expect an outpouring of negative emotion if Michelle Yeoh doesn’t win Best Actress.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh win an Independen­t Spirit award for “Everything Everywhere.”
GETTY IMAGES Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh win an Independen­t Spirit award for “Everything Everywhere.”

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