USA TODAY International Edition

Unacceptab­le to disparage religious beliefs

- Johnny C. Taylor Jr. Columnist

Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world’s largest HR profession­al society and author of “Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.”

Question: A couple of my co- workers and I display religious items in our office at work. One of the supervisor­s in an adjacent department went out of her way to disparage my co- worker’s collection of prayer beads he has on display as not appropriat­e for the office environmen­t. Is this really a thing? Can a company limit how we decorate our work areas? – Izzie

Answer: Hearing such disparagin­g remarks about your co- workers’ prayer beads is understand­ably upsetting especially if the supervisor is targeting a single religion. Regarding displaying religious items in the workplace, companies generally have discretion, and their policies may vary.

Employers may have policies allowing or restrictin­g the display of religious items. These guidelines could differ for private workspaces versus common areas, and some companies might impose size limitation­s on such displays. It’s important to note that if a company restricts the exhibition of items from one religion, the same rule must apply to all faiths to avoid discrimina­tion.

Disparagin­g an employee for their religious beliefs is never acceptable and could be considered workplace harassment. Ridiculing someone based on their faith goes against the principles of a respectful and inclusive work environmen­t.

I encourage you to review your company’s employee handbook to see if specific policies address religious expression in the workplace. Additional­ly, consider reaching out to your HR department for guidance on the company’s rules and regulation­s regarding displaying religious items.

If you need clarification on your company’s policies or experience further issues, engaging in open communicat­ion with HR or other appropriat­e channels within your organizati­on may be helpful. Understand­ing and respecting diverse beliefs is crucial in fostering a positive workplace culture.

I am on Family and Medical Leave Act leave for two to three months as I resolve a personal medical issue. Can I still submit flexible spending account reimbursem­ent for my medical expenses incurred while I’m away? – Markita

I appreciate your proactive approach to managing your medical situation and seeking clarification on FSA reimbursem­ent during family and medical leave. This is a matter many workers face and seek guidance and clarification on.

The ability to submit medical expenses for reimbursem­ent through your

FSA during family and medical leave depends on the specific circumstan­ces of your benefits and contributi­ons. Here are a few scenarios to consider:

1. Continued contributi­ons and coverage: If you are still receiving pay from your company during family and medical leave, your contributi­ons to the medical FSA should continue. In this case, your FSA coverage should also persist, and you can request reimbursem­ent for medical expenses incurred while away.

2. Employer contributi­ons during unpaid family and medical leave: If your company is not paying you but your employer has agreed to make contributi­ons to the medical FSA on your behalf, your coverage should still be active. Consequent­ly, you can submit reimbursem­ent requests for medical expenses.

3. No contributi­ons from you or your employer: If neither you nor your employer contribute during leave, you may not be able to submit reimbursem­ent requests for expenses incurred.

4. Changes in FSA election: If you changed your FSA election to discontinu­e or terminate the FSA during your leave, you may be unable to submit reimbursem­ent requests for medical expenses incurred during the leave period.

Remember that reimbursem­ent is typically limited to the amount you elected at the beginning of the plan year. If you’ve exhausted your FSA balance before your leave began, reimbursem­ent requests may be rejected.

I recommend contacting your HR department for a precise understand­ing of your situation.

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