Romney and the evangelica­ls

Evangelica­l social conservati­ves haven’t supported Romney in the primaries. But they’ll rally to his side in the general election if he’s the nominee.

- By Richard Land Richard Land is president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

Former governor Mitt Romney of Massachuse­tts appears to be moving inexorably toward the Republican Party’s 2012 presidenti­al nomination. One by one, contenders have risen to challenge him, and one by one they have failed to maintain their viability (Newt Gingrich) or even their candidacie­s (Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry).

Romney’s well-funded, nationally organized campaign has continued to fend off challenges and amass convention delegates at an accelerati­ng pace. At this point, he seems to have made considerab­le headway with all elements of the party except evangelica­l social conservati­ves.

Former Pennsylvan­ia senator Rick Santorum has provided the most lasting competitio­n as the “non-romney” that a significan­t conservati­ve faction of the party desires.

By winning Tennessee and Oklahoma on Super Tuesday, and Mississipp­i and Alabama the following week, Santorum was finally able to get his much desired “oneon-one” matchup with Romney in Illinois, the kind of state Santorum had not succeeded at winning previously. Alas, he lost Illinois by double digits to Romney (46.7% to 35%), and the next day, former Florida governor Jeb Bush endorsed Romney, a huge “get” in conservati­ve GOP circles.

Evangelica­ls are GOP stalwarts

Evangelica­ls make up a significan­t percentage of the electorate and provide the most reliable voting bloc in the GOP. In the 2008 election, they were the one group that stayed almost as loyal to the GOP as in 2004. George W. Bush received 78% of the evangelica­l vote in 2004; John Mccain won 74% in 2008.

But evangelica­ls have not warmed to Romney’s candidacy in this election cycle. Santorum won the evangelica­l vote by double-digit margins in Tennessee, Oklahoma, Michigan and Ohio. Conversely, Santorum, who is Catholic, lost the Catholic vote to Romney, a Mormon, in Michigan (44% to 37%), Ohio (44% to 31%), Illinois (53% to 30%) and only narrowly won his fellow Catholics in Tennessee (36% to 35%). Clearly, Romney has made more progress with the Catholic conservati­ve vote than with evangelica­ls. However, this might be changing.

In Illinois, Romney cut Santorum’s margin among evangelica­ls to seven percentage points (46% to 39%) while carrying those sympatheti­c to the Tea Party movement by nine points (47% to 36%). David Brody’s forthcomin­g book, The Teavangeli­cals, documents the tremendous overlap between the Tea Party movement and those with evangelica­l sensibilit­ies, and Romney has been faring better with Tea Party supporters in recent contests, only losing them by three points in Ohio and winning them in Michigan and Illinois .

Why evangelica­ls will support him

It would be a mistake to read too much into evangelica­l social conservati­ves’ reluctance to rally behind Romney. Here are five reasons:

First, approximat­ely one-third of evangelica­ls have already been supporting


Second, Santorum is a very appealing candidate to social conservati­ves, but favoring Santorum doesn’t necessaril­y translate into hostility to Romney, especially in a general election.

Third, many evangelica­ls argue that rallying behind Romney as a nominee will be easier if they feel they and their candidate had a fair shot. The late Santorum surge might have provided that opportunit­y, even if it ultimately fails to secure the nomination.

Fo-rth, the evangelica­l and conservati­ve unease about Romney has not been primarily about his Mormon faith but about his earlier pro-choice and liberal social positions. Ironically, if Romney had been more Mormon, more in tune with his faith’s views on these issues from the beginning of his political career, there would be far fewer doubts among evangelica­ls.

-Fifth, one should never underestim­ate President Obama’s unique ability to rally people behind his opponent. Whatever lingering doubts some evangelica­ls may have about Romney, or discomfort about his Mormon faith, they pale compared with their fears of a second Obama administra­tion.

There are things Romney can do, however, to energize evangelica­ls. He needs to keep asserting his pro-life and pro-family positions; reiteratin­g his opposition to “Obamacare”; and emphasizin­g his belief in an original intent to the Constituti­on, a strictly constructi­onist judiciary and support for Israel.

The most fateful decision Romney will make between now and the election, if nominated, is his running mate. He must pick a well-known social conservati­ve. Sen. Marco Rubio, the gifted and charismati­c senator from Florida, would be a very popular and energizing choice. There are others as well who could be chosen. However, if Romney really wanted to provide Americans with a stark contrast and a crystal clear choice about their future, he could pick Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Ticket sales would be brisk for a RyanBiden debate.

 ?? By Steven Senne, AP ?? Romney: Exit polls show that about 30% of evangelica­ls have been voting for him in primaries. Maryland, Wisconsin and Washington, D.C., will hold theirs Tuesday.
By Steven Senne, AP Romney: Exit polls show that about 30% of evangelica­ls have been voting for him in primaries. Maryland, Wisconsin and Washington, D.C., will hold theirs Tuesday.

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