Baby Boomers Now Fear Memory Loss More Than Cancer

Mayo Clinic guidelines detailed in top-selling brain health book may help prevent mental decline; author makes available 10,000 copies to ‘help fight memory loss’


When do normal, ever yday memory problems become a cause for concern?

That question crosses the minds of millions of Americans 50 and older, everyday. A recent Metlife/ Harris survey reports older Americans are more concer ned about losing their cognitive abilities than they are about cancer, heart disease or stroke.

That’s why brain research scientist and author Joshua Reynolds is offering adults 50-plus a free copy of his topselling book, 20/20 Brainpower: 20 Days to a Quicker, Calmer, Sharper Mind.

“People are scared,” says Reynolds. “They need to know the facts.”

Reynolds’ medically acclaimed book contains helpful tips and informatio­n on fighting cognitive decline.

Your Brain: Use It or Lose It

Reynolds’ use-it-or-lose-it approach to youthful brain function is shared by world-famous Mayo Clinic, reporting, “Cognitive decline is clearly not inevitable ... cognitive training with brain exercise, stress reduction, proper nutrition and targeted therapeuti­cs, including cognitive enhancers and protective brain agents may prove useful for the prevention and treatment of cognitive decline with aging.”

Over the course of a 40-year career, what fitness gurus Jack Lalanne and Jane Fonda have done for the body, Josh Reynolds has done for the human brain.

Not only was he one of the f irst to accurately measure the ‘processing’ speed of the brain, he may be the f irst to actually help the brain ‘work faster,’ thanks to a r evolutiona­r y series of brain tune up exercises now used by doctors and health enthusiast­s worldwide.

Brain speed exercises like those in Reynolds’ book have even been shown to improve driving skills and safety records of older drivers.

Save Your Memories

Inside Reynolds’ book, readers learn that memories need not fade away. The author reveals the secret to locking-away and safeguardi­ng treasured memories.

On page130, learn how to signal your brain to ‘vacuum’ away stress. And on page 122, Reynolds tells about his “miracle memory molecules,” and how in just a few weeks they can restore memory and brainpower to that of 10-15 years ago.

A few years ago, using precise amounts of acetyl-l-carnitine, huperzine, and vinpocetin­e, Reynolds and fellow scientists created Procera AVH, the world’s first clinically validated memory pill.

Restores 50-Year-old’s Brain Power to a 35-Year-old’s

In controlled clinical trials, Procera AVH stimulated faster recall, boosted memory, promoted more youthful mental focus and clarity, and even helped an average 50-year-old regain the memory and brainpower of a healthy 35-year-old.

Many people like Kasey L . of Olathe, Kansas take Procera AVH everyday. “I was having trouble find-ing words in my brain and rememberin­g things. Now I am as sharp as a tack and I have a memory like an elephant. I will never stop taking it.”

“I was having concentrat­ion problems and difficulty rememberin­g things ,” recount s Grace K. from Alabama.

“I felt mentally energized and more confident in myself after only one week of taking Procera AVH. Now, I’ve regained confidence in myself.” Brain Stuck in the Slow Lane? Call to Claim your FREE Book and Bonus Full Month Supply of Procera AVH

If you feel like you’re trapped in the slow lane and would like a more alert, sharper, quicker-thinking brain, call the phone number below.

Ask how to get your free copy of 20/20 Brainpower: 20 Days to a Quicker, Calmer, Sharper Mind, along with a free 30-day supply of Reynolds’ landmark clinically-tested memory, focus, and concentrat­ion formula, Procera AVH with your order.

Reserve your free book today, while supplies last. Call today..

 ??  ?? Millions of adults are suffering with progressiv­e mental decline, a mind-robbing form of memory loss that can rip apart families and lives. Research has identified effective preventive measures that can be used by anyone.
Millions of adults are suffering with progressiv­e mental decline, a mind-robbing form of memory loss that can rip apart families and lives. Research has identified effective preventive measures that can be used by anyone.
 ??  ?? More people are turning back the clock and living fuller lives by exercising and invigorati­ng their brains with scientific brain ‘tune-ups.’
More people are turning back the clock and living fuller lives by exercising and invigorati­ng their brains with scientific brain ‘tune-ups.’

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