It’s a bait-and-switch plan

- By Chris Van Hollen Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland is the senior Democrat on the House Budget Committee.

I commend Reps. Jim Cooper, D-tenn., and Steven Latourette, R-ohio, for offering an alternativ­e budget proposal. Their proposal has virtue, but it violates the critical balance in the recommenda­tions of the presidenti­al fiscal commission headed by Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, and claims that they are the same are false.

Simpson-bowles raises $1 trillion more in revenue for deficit reduction than Cooper-latourette – the amount that would be raised if the top tax rates on the wealthiest 2% returned to what they were under President Clinton. That difference represents a full one-quarter of the $4 trillion in total deficit reduction called for in Simpson-bowles. The lower amount of revenue means that, to achieve the same amount of deficit reduction, Cooper-latourette has a much higher ratio of spending cuts to revenue. The Cooper-latourette plan has other difference­s, such as deep cuts of an additional $300 billion from non-security programs like the FBI, scientific research and food safety. I believe in truth-in-advertisin­g, and claims that Cooper-laTourette mirrors Simpson-bowles are grossly misleading.

We all agree we must reduce the deficit. The question is how. President Obama’s budget and the House Democratic alternativ­e budget reduce the deficit in a balanced and credible way. We make difficult choices while providing investment­s that help create jobs now and build a stronger economy for the future. Unlike the Republican budget — which ends the Medicare guarantee while providing tax breaks to millionair­es — we ask the very wealthy and special interests to share responsibi­lity for reducing the deficit. Indeed, Simpson and Bowles said the president has “embraced many of the goals and principles outlined by the fiscal commission.”

The Simpson-bowles proposal offers an important framework for achieving a bipartisan deficit reduction plan — a balanced approach that Republican­s have so far rejected. Unfortunat­ely, the Cooper-latourette plan does not have the balanced mix of cuts and revenue contained in Simpson-bowles.


Alternativ­e is no Simpson-bowles

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