Red-light cameras simply help enforce the law


Having lived in Arizona (home to many speed and red-light cameras) for almost 20 years and being the recipient of several photo radar tickets, I am not opposed to the laws being enforced by whatever means make the most fiscal and legal sense (“Questions cloud red-light camera issue,” News, Monday).

If people weren’t running red lights, this would not be an issue. The cameras would sit there and quietly monitor their assigned intersecti­on. Are people upset only when they get caught? The questions to answer simply:

uis the use of such technology legal according to the state constituti­on? uis running a red light illegal?

udid you run the red light? Case closed. Why are we becoming more averse to obeying the laws of the land? If we as a people do not like the laws, change the law, not the enforcemen­t of the law. Why are we as a country turning into a group of whiners?

If the states are making money with red-light cameras, good for them. They need the money. If we want more control over how they spend the money, or we think they are just wasting the money, that is a completely different issue.

Stop whining, and obey the law. It is really just that simple. Ronald J. Delong

Mesa, Ariz.

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