Evenly apply disclosure rule


Commentary writer Drew Cohen’s piece on the need for the government to implement rules demanding that companies disclose their campaign contributi­ons was conspicuou­sly lacking an equally anguished cry for the government to do the same in regard to unions (“Make companies disclose campaign contributi­ons,” The Forum, April 4).

Cohen is probably too busy pursuing his joint degree in law and business at George Washington University to be aware that many union members pay political contributi­ons out of every paycheck, contributi­ons that go almost exclusivel­y to the Democratic Party to help elect candidates who pledge to advance unions’ agendas.

If it is any comfort to Cohen, these union contributi­ons level the playing field against evil corporatio­ns, one of which perhaps will hire him one day.

Robert J. Menerey Horseshoe Bay, Texas

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