Both parties reaching out for Hispanics

- By Jackie Kucinich USA TODAY

In the partisan general election environmen­t, the importance of the Hispanic electorate is one rare area of agreement between the two parties.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Obama campaign launched dueling outreach programs this week to court this growing bloc of voters — a pitch to Latino voters that’s likely to continue throughout the 2012 cycle.

The two camps are focusing on different issues to appeal to Latinos. The Obama campaign is emphasizin­g the work the administra­tion has done to expand educationa­l programs and health care access. Republican­s’ pitch will focus on the economy and promises they say were broken by the Obama administra­tion. Republican­s are behind. A poll released by the Pew Research Center on Tuesday shows Obama beating former Massachuse­tts governor Mitt Romney 67% to 27% among Hispanic voters. In 2008, Obama defeated Sen. John Mccain 67% to 31% among Hispanics.

During a conference call with reporters Wednesday, Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., criticized Republican­s for blocking the DREAM Act, a measure that would allow children of illegal immigrants to earn citizenshi­p through a college education or service in the military.

Obama campaign spokesman Jim Messina said during the same call, “Our victory depends on them (Hispanics) spreading the word to their friends, their neighbors and their families about what’s at stake in this crucial election.”

In a news release, the campaign called its outreach “the largest ever national effort to engage Hispanic Americans in their communitie­s and involve them in the upcoming election through voter registrati­on, volunteeri­ng and voting.”

Messina said the effort will build upon a network of volunteers that has been in place for more than a year.

The Obama campaign released the first in a series of Spanish-language television and radio ads featuring tributes to Obama in Colorado, Florida and Nevada.

The RNC announced Monday that it is placing Hispanic outreach directors in six states: Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina and Virginia.

Republican­s are emphasizin­g the economy and the impact the downturn has had on Latinos.

Bettina Inclán, the RNC’S director of Hispanic outreach, said that in past years, the RNC had relied on coalitions, which, though helpful, did not provide the support needed to cultivate voter loyalty.

“We wanted to figure out how to bring the best of the coalitions and the best of the (get-out-thevote) political operation and merge them into an effective Hispanic outreach program that not only respects the diversity of the Hispanic community but . . . (yields) real results,” she said.

Cesar Martinez, a former aide to Sen. John Mccain’s presidenti­al campaign, said the RNC is taking the right approach by focusing on jobs because Latinos were hit hard by the recession. but he said immigratio­n will be a hurdle if Republican­s don’t present a solution.

“The Republican Party needs to have an immigratio­n proposal in hand, because if they don’t, Obama can just keep on promising and not delivering,” Martinez said. “This status quo only helps Obama.”

Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigratio­n Forum, which supports immigratio­n, said voters will pick the candidate who will get meaningful things done for the community, such as focusing on deporting only people who commit serious crimes.

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