Trump is a clown who hurts Romney

- By Al Neuharth USA TODAY Founder

“The Donald,” as Donald Trump likes to be called, should be kept out of public appearance­s in the presidenti­al race of Mitt Romney if he wants to be elected president.

Romney made a mistake by appearing at a fundraiser this week at the Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in Las Vegas.

Before his meeting with Romney, Trump repeated to CNN his nonsense that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore is not legally president.

That’s an attention-getting claim Trump first made months ago when he was flirting with a presidenti­al bid of his own. Even though officials of the state of Hawaii have made public President Obama’s U.S. birth certificat­e, The Donald keeps repeating his phony charge.

Trump is a smart guy in some ways. But he’s a clown who loves doing or saying things, no matter how ridiculous they may be. Most of you know of The Donald because of his TV role in the popular The Apprentice — now The Celebrity Apprentice.

I’ve known him since long before that. We first met in the George Steinbrenn­er suite in the old Yankee Stadium more than 20 years ago. Now we still see each other in the Steinbrenn­er family suite in the new House The Boss Built — at season openers, playoffs or the World Series.

No matter the score, Trump leaves almost every game around the fifth inning. Not exactly a dedicated Yankee fan.

Anyway, he’s a clown. No politician or voter — or Yankee fan — should take him seriously.


Other views on Trump

“I met Al Neuharth through George Steinbrenn­er, who felt sorry for Al after he left as head of his company. He sits pathetical­ly watching the Yankee games alone. Al is an angry man who likes making up stories — and using me to stay relevant. I haven’t spoken to him in years!”

Donald J. Trump

“Donald Trump is unlikely to hurt Mitt Romney because his role in our celebrity-besotted culture is that of a clownish television personalit­y. The voters understand what he is and do not confuse him for a policy adviser.”

— Jonathan Tobin, senior online editor, Commentary

“Al’s right. Trump’s a clown, so why is Romney his ringmaster?”

— Paul Begala, political commentato­r, CNN

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