Latinos strongly backing Obama

But generation­al shift gives GOP an opening

- By Susan Page USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — President Obama has built an overwhelmi­ng lead among Latino voters, a nationwide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of Hispanics finds, as Republican challenger Mitt Romney faces a difficult path ahead to make inroads among what has been the nation’s fastest-growing ethnic group for a generation.

The president leads Romney 66%-25% among more than 1,000 Latino registered voters surveyed April 16 to May 31, matching his muscular showing in the 2008 election among Hispanics. Romney is in the weakest position among Latinos of any presidenti­al contender since 1996 — and in those intervenin­g 16 years their percentage of the electorate has doubled.

Since the poll was taken, Obama has fortified Hispanic enthusiasm by announcing he would block the deportatio­n of an estimated 800,000 undocument­ed young Latinos who were brought to the United States as children. In a subsequent USA TODAY/Gallup survey, taken WednesdayS­aturday, more than eight in 10 Latinos approved of the president’s action, most of them strongly.

“I’ve seen that affect a lot of families, so that’s actually something I’m pretty much in favor of,” says Jonny Rozyla, 22, a college student from Anoka, Minn., a poll respondent who was interviewe­d by phone. His mother was born in the United States and his father emigrated from Mexico. Rozyla says he “strongly disagrees” with Romney’s statements about a controvers­ial Arizona immigratio­n law. “I don’t think he’s for the people, mostly,” he says of Romney. “He’s more for the rich than the poor.”

Romney’s troubles with Hispanic voters are likely to be spotlighte­d this week if the Supreme Court, as expected, rules on the constituti­onality of the Arizona law, which requires police to check a person’s immigratio­n status when there is reasonable doubt about it.

During the Republican primaries, Romney endorsed the right of Arizona and other states to pass laws on immigratio­n. And in recent days, he has sidesteppe­d questions about whether he would overturn Obama’s action blocking some deportatio­ns.

In a positive sign for the GOP over the long term, the poll finds a generation­al shift among Latinos that could open the door for Republican­s as this immigrant group, like the ones that went before it, deepens its roots in the United States. But for the next four months of this election year, Romney’s path is steeply uphill.

“He has the most conservati­ve position on immigratio­n reform of any nominee of our lifetime,” Obama campaign manager Jim Messina says. “It’s not the only issue Latino voters care about, but it is an important issue that shows people whose side they are on, and it’s clear that

Mitt Romney’s against them.”

Romney campaign pollster Neil Newhouse says the economy is the top issue for Latinos, as for other voters.

“President Obama’s last-minute pandering to Hispanics can’t make up for his record of failed policies that have resulted in Hispanics comprising fully onethird of Americans who are living in poverty,” Newhouse says. “Once Hispanic voters realize the president’s broken promises to their community, Gov. Romney will win more than his share of their votes. This is why our campaign has been ramping up efforts to get our message to Americans of Hispanic descent.”

On Friday, Romney announced Hispanic “Juntos con Romney” (“Together with Romney”) teams in 15 states, and his campaign has begun airing more TV and radio ads on Spanish-language stations. In a speech to a convention of Hispanic officials in Orlando on Thursday, he took a softer tone on immigratio­n than he had when battling for the Republican nomination.

He received a friendly reception from NALEO, the National Associatio­n of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. But Obama, who spoke Friday, got a jubilant one.

Romney’s comments during the GOP primaries are creating serious obstacles for him now. He promised to veto a proposal that would provide a path to citizenshi­p for young Latinos brought here illegally as children, and he said he wouldn’t have voted to confirm the woman who became the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice.

“Running an ad that says, ‘I would never vote for Sonia Sotomayor,’ ‘I would veto the DREAM Act’ — those are really easy things to crystalliz­e and repeat,” says Sylvia Manzano, a political scientist at Texas A&M University who studies Hispanic politics.

A generation­al shift?

The USA TODAY Poll’s findings offer encouragem­ent for Republican­s down the road. Among second-generation Latinos — that is, those whose parents were born in the United States — attitudes about the role of government shift significan­tly and openness to conservati­ve policies expand.

That doesn’t mean Republican­s are guaranteed to gain His- panic support over time, but it does mean there will be more opportunit­ies for them to do so. That raises questions about the argument by some analysts that the nation’s changing demographi­cs all but ensure Democratic majorities in the future.

Consider: On a list of a halfdozen issues, Latino registered voters who immigrated to the U.S. themselves rate immigratio­n policies, a particular sore point with the GOP, as their highest priority. Latinos whose parents were born here rank im- migration last.

Parker Maldonado, 43, a financial adviser from Goddard, Kan., who was called in the poll, is more concerned about pocketbook issues and argues that other Hispanics should be, too. His grandmothe­r came from Puerto Rico and his grandfathe­r emigrated from Spain. “Immigratio­n is not going to mean anything if our economy doesn’t improve,” he says.

Asked about the issues most important to him, Joel Gomez, 31, who emigrated from Mexico

“Immigratio­n is not going to mean anything if our economy doesn’t improve.”

Voter Parker Maldonado

10 years ago, praises Obama’s recent step for young Hispanics. “That’s a relief for Latinos,” says the Maryland constructi­on worker, who was surveyed in Spanish. “We can walk without fear through the streets.”

Gomez, who became a U.S. citizen three years ago, is inclined to cast his first presidenti­al vote for Obama. Maldonado says he is likely to vote for Romney.

In the USA TODAY survey, Latino registered voters who immigrated say by almost 5-to-1 that the government should do more to solve our country’s problems (a generally liberal view) rather than saying the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individual­s and businesses (a generally conservati­ve view).

Among registered Hispanic voters who are the U.S.-born children of immigrants, that ratio narrows to nearly 2-1.

And among those whose parents were born in the U.S., the split is about even.

The findings are based on a nationwide poll of 1,753 Hispanic adults, including 1,005 registered voters, taken in English and Spanish from April 16 to May 31. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points for the full sample and +/- 4 for registered voters only. The poll was supplement­ed by a survey Wednesday through Saturday of 424 Hispanics.

Obama scores a wide lead among all three Hispanic groups, supported by 72% of Latino registered voters who immigrated themselves and by 69% of those with at least one immigrant parent. Among those whose parents were born in the USA, 58% support the president.

Still, Romney does twice as well among second-generation Latinos compared with immigrants. Among immigrant voters, just 18% support Romney. That number rises to 22% among the children of at least one immigrant parent and to 35% among Hispanics whose families have been in the U.S. for two generation­s or more.

Democratic pollster Margie Omero says she heard threads of “generation­al movement and shift” in a focus group of Hispan- ic women in Las Vegas this month that she helped run with Republican pollster Alex Bratty. The session was part of a series sponsored by Wal-Mart on middle-income women seen as swing voters and dubbed “WalMart Moms.”

“They talked about what their parents went through and how different that was from what they were going through, and their children,” she says. “That’s what we’ve seen with immigrant communitie­s over our history. Each generation faces a different type of struggle, a different kind of interactio­n with the American community.”

Obama pollster Joel Benenson cautions, though, that what he calls a “damaged” relationsh­ip between the GOP and many Hispanic voters at a time Latino political power is rising will make those negative attitudes hard to reshape, even decades from now.

“What’s the defining dynamic politicall­y at the point at which you become engaged in voting and politics?” he asks. “We’ve gone through people who came in through the anti-war movement or the women’s movement or the civil rights movement in the late ’60s, early ’70s. You had Reagan Democrats ... who were in the early formative years of their politics when they voted for Reagan in the ’80s. Those things that are really vibrant at the time you come into the political system can shape your thinking for a long time.”

A growing advantage

Whatever the long-term prospects for the GOP, in this election year Obama is solidifyin­g the big gains he scored among Hispanics in 2008. Surveys of voters as they left polling places then found that 67% of Latinos voted for him, up by double digits from Democrat John Kerry’s share four years earlier and about the same level of support he has now.

That advantage is increasing­ly powerful. An analysis of U.S. Census data by Mark Lopez of the non-partisan Pew Hispanic Center shows that the proportion of Latino eligible voters grew from 2008 to 2010 in seven of the 12 battlegrou­nd states likely to determine November’s outcome — potentiall­y a critical margin in a close election.

Meanwhile, the Republican share of the Latino vote continues to erode, from 44% for George W. Bush in 2004 to 31% for John McCain in 2008 to 25% in the survey for Romney. “We’ve seen a sharp drop-off . . . between 2004 and 2008,” acknowledg­es Ed Gillespie, a senior Romney adviser and former Republican Party national chairman. “It was a factor, obviously, in the margin of President Obama’s win. We do need to do better with Hispanic voters, and I think we can.”

GOP strategist Leslie Sanchez estimates Romney needs the votes of 35% of Latinos to be competitiv­e in November.

A senior Obama campaign official who was willing to speak about strategy only on condition of anonymity puts the bar higher in some key states. He calculates Romney needs to get a bit more than 40% of the Hispanic vote to win the battlegrou­nds of Florida and Nevada, where Latinos make up a significan­t share of the electorate.

Harsh rhetoric and hard-line policies toward illegal immigrants have soured many Latinos toward the GOP, even those who aren’t particular­ly concerned about immigratio­n for themselves and their families. “It’s the lens by which Hispanic voters view the Republican Party,” says Sanchez, author of Los Republican­os: Why Hispanics and Republican­s Need Each Other. “It’s the tinted lens.”

In the roundtable discussion in Las Vegas, nine Latinas talked about their lives, their families and the election. The focus group was streamed live to a small group of reporters in Washington, D.C. They saw their votes as mattering: “We’re a community, and we want our voice to be heard,” Karla Luarte, the mother of three, said as heads nodded around the table.

Six of the women had voted for Obama in 2008, but several expressed disappoint­ment in him now. Some have seen family members struggle to find a job; others have had trouble holding on to their houses. They note he has failed to enact the comprehens­ive immigratio­n legislatio­n he promised during the 2008 campaign.

They didn’t know much about Romney, the former Massachuse­tts governor, though his business experience impressed some. The aspiration­al message of the American dream, which is what many Republican­s say they offer, struck a chord as they talked about their hopes for their children.

Still, asked which candidate they trusted more on immigratio­n, eight hands went up for Obama and one for Romney.

 ?? By Julie Snider, USA TODAY ??
By Julie Snider, USA TODAY

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