‘An important milestone’


Penn State President Rodney Erickson, in a statement: “While we cannot change what happened, we can and do accept the responsibi­lity to take action on the societal issue of child sexual abuse — both in our community and beyond. The university is committed to ensuring that our campuses are safe for children and to being a constructi­ve participan­t in building greater awareness of child sexual abuse and the practical steps that can be undertaken to prevent, report and respond to such abuse. . . . The university plans to invite victims of Mr. Sandusky’s abuse to participat­e in a program to facilitate the resolution of claims against the university arising out of Mr. Sandusky's conduct.”

(State College, Pa.) Centre Daily Times, editorial: “Where else does culpabilit­y reside in this ordeal? We await the next trial, that of former Penn State officials Gary Schultz and Tim Curley, charged with perjury in the Sandusky matter. Recent informatio­n suggests at least one other Penn State official, former president Graham Spanier, played a role in hiding Sandusky’s dark secret, in failing to take steps years ago to stop a child predator in our midst. Now that Sandusky has been convicted by a jury of his peers, the burning question that lingers is: How many people knew what was happening and did nothing to stop it? The answer will emerge in the weeks and months ahead.”

Roxanne Jones, former ESPN vice president, CNN Opinion: “Weeks ago, when my son received his very first college acceptance letter from my alma mater, Penn State — a moment I thought would be one of the pinnacles in my life — we both tossed the letter aside and prayed that he'd get accepted into a ‘ better school.’ (Our prayers were answered.) I have Jerry Sandusky to thank for this change of heart.” Family of former head coach Joe Paterno: “Although we understand the task of healing is just beginning, (Friday’s) verdict is an important milestone. The community owes a measure of gratitude to the jurors for their diligent service. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the victims and their families.”

Gregg Doyel, “I understand the relief that came with this verdict. I’m feeling it, too. Too many monsters have escaped too many jail cells because a jury of 12 couldn’t reach the verdict they were supposed to reach. It could have happened to Sandusky, but it didn’t. So there is relief here, for me personally. But cheering? I can't cheer. Nor can I pontificat­e on the danger of absolute power on a college campus, how the worshipful culture that surrounds so many coaches — not just Joe Paterno — can lead to lying, cheating, even covering up a (expletive) pedophile.

Pittsburgh Post-gazette, editorial: “New, horrible revelation­s keep coming. As jury deliberati­ons were getting started, one of Sandusky's sons, 33-year-old Matt Sandusky, released a statement in which he said that he, too, had been abused by his adoptive father. And Thursday night, yet another young man appeared on NBC’S Rock Center program and said he, too, had been abused more than 100 times at Penn State, in the Sandusky home and on trips with the family. And earlier this month came reports that high-ranking Penn State officials had failed to notify police about a 2001 incident involving Sandusky. ... A just verdict was delivered against Sandusky, but justice has not yet been completely served in this horrendous scandal.”

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