- Oliver Thomas

The nation is astir over words from our benighted past that we hoped we would never have to hear again. Your kind is not welcome here.

The debate over Christians refusing to be involved in gay weddings brings to mind a darker time when the “Curse of Ham” from Genesis was once used by Southerner­s to justify racial segregatio­n. But today’s debate is different.

Now, most of America’s religious institutio­ns still consider marriage between members of the same sex to lie beyond the scope of God’s will. No doubt that will change. Just a short time ago, a majority of Americans opposed gay marriage. Today’s young people seem to care less.

But as the culture changes, what of the religious freedom laws that allow people to act on these anti-gay beliefs even as their ideas are rejected by an emerging majority of Americans? And what of the federal Religious Freedom Restoratio­n Act being used to challenge Obamacare’s mandate that employers provide contracept­ives as part of their health plans, and which will be argued before the Supreme Court next week?

We can have both equality and freedom

Large bipartisan majorities passed the restoratio­n law and its state counterpar­ts to correct the Supreme Court’s 1990 decision to downgrade religious freedom from its preferred status alongside freedom of speech and of the press. As a result of that decision, halting the use of peyote among Native Americans, government restrictio­ns on the exercise of religion would no longer be subject to “strict scrutiny.” Instead, such laws would be upheld as long as there was a rational basis.

The result was a drumbeat of court decisions against religion: Sikh constructi­on workers ordered to swap turbans for hard hats; Amish farmers forced to affix warning signs to their buggies (impermissi­ble “worldly symbols”) rather than reflector tape. The list was long.

So a sprawling coalition of religious and civil liberties groups, ranging from the ACLU to the National Associatio­n of Evangelica­ls, joined forces with congressio­nal odd fellows Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch to remedy the problem. With only three dissenting votes, Congress restored the protection­s the Supreme Court had jettisoned. More than a dozen states did the same. The new laws were no stalking horse for bigotry; they protect the most fundamenta­l of all American rights — freedom of conscience.

The problem with some of these state laws is that they go far beyond restoring religious freedom. Wide latitude for acting on religious beliefs would be replaced by a license for unrestrict­ed bigotry. That we cannot do. The beauty of the restoratio­n act’s standard is its flexibilit­y. Courts can compare the burdens on both the complainin­g party and the conscienti­ous objector. It is one thing to object to snapping pictures at a gay wedding. Quite another to refuse to provide food or medical treatment.

We may long for the day when people become more accepting of one another, but achieving that end by forcing people to violate their own conscience tears at the already frayed cords that bind us together as a nation. Call me Pollyanna, but I believe we can have equality for gays and lesbians and religious freedom. Contracept­ive coverage for women and liberty of conscience.

Oliver Thomas, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs, was chairman of the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion that drafted the Religious Freedom Restoratio­n Act.

 ?? ED ANDRIESKI, AP ?? Next week, the Supreme Court will hear the Hobby Lobby chain’s case against Obamacare’s contracept­ive mandate.
ED ANDRIESKI, AP Next week, the Supreme Court will hear the Hobby Lobby chain’s case against Obamacare’s contracept­ive mandate.

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