A requiem for Kurt Cobain

When Kurt Cobain committed suicide on April 5, 1994, the crack of that gunshot tore through a generation. Charles Cross reflects on the lasting impact of the doomed rock star in his new Here We Are Now (It Books). He spoke with USA TODAY’s Korina Lopez ab


Nirvana’s influence extended beyond rock into hip-hop. “Jay Z’s Holy Grail borrows lyrics from Smells Like Teen Spirit,” Cross says. “So Kurt was nominated for best rap song (at the Grammy Awards) in 2014.”

His look changed fashion. Cobain’s ripped jeans and plaid shirts would make their way to runways, selling for hundreds of dollars. But Cobain was poor until the last few years of his life and bought his clothes at thrift shops and garage sales. “If you Google ‘grunge’ on the Nordstrom website, you’ll find (dozens of ) clothing items,” Cross says. “That they’re high-end items is ironic, because he dressed like that out of economy and laziness.”

Cobain reshaped Seattle’s cultural image. When asked in interviews about being a leader of the grunge movement, Cobain either bristled or refused to answer. But Nirvana will forever be associated with grunge, along with Pearl Jam and Soundgarde­n. “Grunge is now part of Seattle’s cultural identity,” Cross says.

After Cobain died, the music industry offered support to artists with addictions. “In the ’70s, you simply got the artist enough drugs and tried to control them,” Cross says. “Now labels and managers are more proactive, finding private AA meetings while the artist is on tour, making drug-free zones backstage or bringing sober coaches on the road.”

It wasn’t fame, Courtney Love or drugs that

drove him to suicide. Suicide, addiction and depression ran in both sides of his family. “He made suicide attempts long before Courtney even came into the picture,” Cross says. “There were also the reckless drug overdoses, of which there were many; they

show a reckless disregard for living. Maybe Kurt never had a chance.”

Suicides in Seattle declined the year after his death. “For better or for worse, Cobain is the most famous person to commit suicide. While there were some copycat suicides, the number of suicides the year after his death actually went down,” Cross says. “His suicide was so horrible and public, it took away the romance of suicide.”

He chose to become a heroin addict. Cobain suffered from chronic stomach pain his whole life. “In his diary, he said he made a decision to become a heroin addict, partly because it was effective in cutting off his physical pain.”

Cobain was the last rock

star. “He was the last star to have touched an entire mainstream generation. The songs were his voice. Cobain’s charisma, genius and music were all really about him. We haven’t seen one that spanned everything, so he’s the last in 20 years,” Cross says. “I hope there will be another, though.”

1993 PHOTO BY MTV VIA AP ?? Charles Cross reveals the myriad ways Kurt Cobain’s influence lives on, for good and bad.
DOUG MANELSKI 1993 PHOTO BY MTV VIA AP Charles Cross reveals the myriad ways Kurt Cobain’s influence lives on, for good and bad.
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