Who’s target of Obama’s sanctions


President Obama announced Monday that he was levying economic sanctions against seven Russians and four Ukrainians.

Vladislav Surkov: Senior aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been called the “gray cardinal” because of the influence Russia watchers believe he yields behind the scenes.

Sergey Glazyev: A presidenti­al adviser to Putin on regional economic integratio­n.

Leonid Slutsky: A State Duma deputy, who is chairman of the Duma Committee on Commonweal­th of Independen­t States Affairs, Eurasian Integratio­n and Relations with Compatriot­s. He is also an expert on Chechnya in Russia’s North Caucus region.

Andrei Klishas: A member of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and chairman of the Federation Council Committee of Constituti­onal Law, Judicial, and Legal Affairs, and the Developmen­t of Civil Society.

Valentina Matviyenko: She is head of the Federation Council and

previously governor of St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Rogozin: Deputy prime minister of the Russian Federation, in charge of Russia’s militaryin­dustrial commission.

Yelena Mizulina: A State Duma deputy, who has played a leading role in passing laws targeting Russia’s LGBT community.

Sergey Aksyonov: Newly declared prime minister of Crimea Regional Parliament, who is also known as the “Goblin,” a nickname left over from the Soviet days when criminal gangs flourished in Crimea.

Vladimir Konstantin­ov: Speaker of the Crimean parliament who was among the first to speak in defense of Moscow after the Russian military incursion in Crimea.

Viktor Yanukovych: Former Ukrainian president, who abandoned Kiev and fled to Russia. He called on Putin to send Russian troops into Ukraine.

Viktor Medvedchuk: Leader of Ukrainian Choice, considered an entity that has undermined democratic processes in Ukraine. Also designated as someone who has assisted and supported Yanukovych.

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