Who’s being unreasonab­le?

- Jeff Knox and Chris Knox Jeff Knox and Chris Knox run The Firearms Coalition, an informatio­n and analysis group focused on supporting grassroots lobbying efforts.

Our friends at USA TODAY think we gun rights advocates are unreasonab­le not to concede to what they call “reasonable compromise­s” regarding gun rights. We call it “experience.”

Gun owners tried “reasonable” for 50 years. The result was layers of bureaucrat­ic restrictio­ns that turned paperwork errors into felonies while leaving violent criminals untouched. Experience teaches us that it is reasonable to refuse to negotiate restrictio­ns on rights with people whose clear objective is to eliminate those rights.

Our late father, Neal Knox, warned gun owners more than 30 years ago that compromisi­ng principles in the name of being “reasonable” leads down a long and slippery slope. Our own history and the history of other pro-rights movements have borne his warning out.

Should gay people be “reasonable” and give up the marriage idea?

Should African Americans “compromise” on “separate but equal” accommodat­ions?

Are women unreasonab­le when they expect to get paid the same as a man?

We believe it is quite reasonable to object to being subject to a felony charge if we give, sell or even lend a gun to a friend without filing government paperwork. We reasonably distrust government mandates for guns with remote-disabling technology that police won’t use.

We think it is also reasonable to oppose any presidenti­al nominee who has worked against an enumerated constituti­onal right. We think it’s very reasonable to look at gun rights in places such as columnist Dick Metcalf ’s home state of Illinois, and refuse to accept more infringeme­nt on a right the Constituti­on says “shall not be infringed.”

We reasonably point out that paperwork schemes have never met their stated goal of reducing crime while diverting scarce resources away from real law enforcemen­t.

History has taught gun owners that the reasonable thing to do is to decide for ourselves what is reasonable and not leave the definition to those working to disarm us. It is especially reasonable for gun owners to elect politician­s who share that reasonable view.

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