Spies and soldiers, ghosts and girls

Charles Finch, author of the Charles Lenox mystery series (whose latest installmen­t is An Old Betrayal), is on the case as he takes the measure of a new batch of mysteries and thrillers.


Few genres are now as rigid as the spy thriller, with its blend of exotic cities, name-brand weaponry, moral weariness and superhuman competence. But in this eighth novel about ex-CIA man John Wells, “the best field agent ever,” Berenson again sets himself apart. His knowledge of spycraft, geopolitic­s and technology is incredible, and he integrates it seamlessly into a plotline about a team of mercenarie­s trying to entice the United States into war with Iran. This late in the series, Wells is no longer so much a good man in complex situations as an ethically pristine saint, but that flaw doesn’t matter when set against the book’s assured and graceful skill. Like Wells, Berenson seems, in a few snappish moments, as if he might want out of the spy world himself — the monotonies of this style, this hero. His readers won’t.

New England, with its long history, old stone buildings and deep snowfalls, has always been where America looks for its ghosts. McMahon sets this chiller in a haunted Vermont town, alternatin­g between two families who live on a farm there a century apart. The first, in 1908, is that of Sara Harrison Shea, whose daughter is murdered beyond the woods’ edge. The second belongs to a contempora­ry teenager named Ruthie Washburn, who, with her younger sister, is drawn toward the same woods by their mother’s disappeara­nce. The historical half of the book is mysterious and scary, but its present-day counterpar­t is a mess — full of groan-inducing choices (don’t go up those stairs!) and onedimensi­onal characters. Still, The

Winter People is eerie, and some of its darker supernatur­al flights are reminiscen­t of Stephen King.

George Foss has spent the two decades since college wondering what became of his beautiful first girlfriend, Liana, who got into trouble halfway into freshman year and vanished. So when she shows up in a bar near his Boston apartment, asking him to drop off a bag of money for her, he jumps at the chance with all the canny patience of a drunk chimpanzee. It’s only the first in a series of absurdly stupid decisions that lead George into danger, and Swanson’s novel relies too much on these errors to move its plot along. But George is likable, Liana is convincing­ly enigmatic, and most importantl­y, the book has pace to burn. It feels like a throwback to Ross MacDonald’s flawed but relentless work — down to its undercooke­d noir style, which neverthele­ss glimmers with bright and original moments.

A lonely ex- Special Forces hero haunted by a personal tragedy: This must be the protagonis­t they issue, along with your diploma, when you graduate from Thriller Academy. The hero here is Sam Dryden, who’s out jogging one night when he bumps into Rachel, a preteen being chased by an ominous government search party. After he decides to help her, the hunt is on. The result is, whatever its claims to originalit­y, a superbly engrossing novel, distinguis­hed by both a lively intelligen­ce and a surprising­ly subtle and persuasive developmen­t of its characters. A great deal of meticulous scientific hokum goes into explaining the supernatur­al ability that makes Rachel special, but Lee is smart enough to keep the focus on the escalating desperatio­n of the duo’s flight, and the quick but believable bond it creates between them.

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