It’s no secret that girls code

Google wants more females in field.

- Marco della Cava @marcodella­cava USA TODAY

Teamare Gaston, 17, thinks she’d like to be a business journalist. But Google has other designs on her brain.

Today Gaston and 150 other New York-area high school girls will attend the kickoff event for Made with Code, a $50 million Google initiative with the simple and singular focus of bringing more girls into the coding fold.

“Our industry has lots of stereotype­s, including the notion that coding means sitting at a computer alone,” says Google VP Megan Smith. “We hope to show girls that coding is fun. But there’s also the simple fact that supply and demand is not working. There are millions of jobs out there going begging.”

Google’s event, held at a hip Manhattan loft called Skylight Modern, features host Mindy Kaling (of TV’s The Mindy Pro

ject), speakers such as Chelsea Clinton and a range of tech-savvy women bent on inspiring teens.

Made with Code’s mission is anchored by a website where girls can use basic coding technique to make bracelets and other items; Google also will dole out grants to host girl-coding parties at Girl Scouts and Boys and Girls Clubs around the country, as well as fund a range of marketing and other awareness campaigns.

The idea is to bust the image of coding as a dry tech chore, and instead show how the skill is vital to everything from movie-making to helping cure malaria.

Although the tech field has seen the ascent of stars such as Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer, there is a glaring lack of female equivalent­s to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, says Clinton.

“I always felt tech stuff was for boys, but clearly that’s not the case. This is a cultural thing, and we’ve got to overcome it.” Mindy Kaling of TV’s ‘The Mindy Project’

“It’s hard to imagine being something you can’t see,” says Clinton, noting that the number of women graduating with computer-science degrees has dropped from nearly 40% in the ’80s to 14% today. “The issue of role models is a big one, and (Made with Code) represents a new, comprehens­ive effort to provide just that.”

Though Clinton says time is of the essence with this pressing national jobs issue, there are precedents that provide a hopeful picture: “Medicine used to be entirely male dominated, but slowly that was turned around, and the same can happen here.”

Ruthe Farmer, of the National Center for Women and Informatio­n Technology, says the shift can’t happen soon enough.

“It’s been a five-alarm fire for some time now, ever since Bill Gates told Congress decades ago that if we didn’t fix education, he wouldn’t be able to hire their kids,” says Farmer. “We need a wider swath of kids to come into this field. But why not focus on the majority of college graduates: women?”

By the year 2020, there will be 1.4 million programmin­g-related jobs but only about a quarter of qualified candidates available to fill those roles, according to

Those who are qualified tend to be men, as evidenced by a Google report last month noting its workforce was 70% male. LinkedIn recently revealed its rosters were 61% male.

Kaling jokes that “as a very nerdy, indoor kid, I would have been a candidate for coding, but instead I sat around and wrote plays.” She says that making coding accessible and fun can help overturn the stereotype that coding is all about boys and video game-making.

“I always felt tech stuff was for boys, but clearly that’s not the case,” she says. “This is a cultural thing, and we’ve got to overcome it.”

Brittany Wegner, 19, will be a freshman at Duke next fall, focusing on the intersecti­on of computer science and biology. Although she was the only girl in her middle school’s coding course, her teacher was an inspiratio­nal woman. “I think many girls just think of coding and gaming, but I’m using it to work on breast cancer diagnostic­s,” says the Sarasota, Fla., native. “It’s important for girls to feel empowered and passionate about this skill. It’s not just about math; there’s a lot of creative thinking.”

Aspiring journalist Gaston may already have the coding bug. The Central Park East student has already taught herself the basics. “I thought it would be difficult, but it really wasn’t,” she says. “A lot of my girlfriend­s seem to be curious. I guess that’s a good thing.”

 ?? KEN MOORE ??
 ?? KEN MOORE ?? Girls from the national non-profit Black Girls Code get an introducto­ry coding lesson at Google New York offices.
KEN MOORE Girls from the national non-profit Black Girls Code get an introducto­ry coding lesson at Google New York offices.
 ?? CHANTAL ANDREA VIA GOOGLE ?? Girls explore Google’s new Made with Code website.
CHANTAL ANDREA VIA GOOGLE Girls explore Google’s new Made with Code website.
 ?? CHANTAL ANDREA VIA GOOGLE ?? Basic coding technique can be used to make bracelets.
CHANTAL ANDREA VIA GOOGLE Basic coding technique can be used to make bracelets.

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