Why Obama shouldn’t act alone on immigratio­n


President Obama has done his share to fix the nation’s broken immigratio­n system.

He backed comprehens­ive changes along the lines of those championed by former president George W. Bush. He proposed solutions to the crisis of children from Central America showing up at the U.S. border. And, while waiting for Congress to act, his administra­tion has vigorously enforced current law, deporting more than 2 million people who came here unlawfully.

None of this has gotten him anywhere. House Republican­s ignored a balanced and bipartisan immigratio­n overhaul passed by the Senate. And Congress left town for its summer recess without acting on the border crisis.

Now the president is thinking about going it alone, using an executive order to grant a kind of quasi-legal status to undocument­ed immigrants.

He would do this by removing certain people from considerat­ion for deportatio­n. In 2012, he did this for some children. And now he is considerin­g greatly expanding the numbers, perhaps to include millions of undocument­ed workers who would be granted a path to citizenshi­p under the Senate-passed bill. Our advice: Don’t do it. Yes, the intransige­nce of Republican­s in the House is exasperati­ng. Many would vote for the bill, but in the name of party unity, the leadership gave its immigratio­n hard-liners a veto. They’re blocking a national consensus for changes that would blend a path to legal status for the estimated 11 million undocument­ed people in the USA with tough enforcemen­t and other changes to discourage future waves on illegal immigratio­n.

This intransige­nce is also a necessary hurdle to overcome. Congress is the only appropriat­e venue for adopting such sweeping changes in policy. Obama himself has said so in the past. An executive order affecting a small segment of children brought here by their parents is one thing. A policy shift impacting millions of undocument­ed workers is quite another.

Congressio­nal action is necessary both as a sign of a functionin­g democracy and as a lesson for lawmakers that they can’t ignore their responsibi­lities forever.

If Obama were to make a major unilateral policy shift, he would, in essence, let House Republican­s off the hook. The pressure on them to act would be lessened. At the same time, they would be able to attack him for being an “imperial president.”

Unilateral action might energize Obama’s liberal base before the elections, but it would set a dangerous precedent for future presidents to act on other significan­t matters without the assent of Congress.

Better to let the legislativ­e process play out. Eventually, major immigratio­n reforms will be enacted, either on a bipartisan basis or by a Democratic majority that will work its will against a marginaliz­ed GOP. The changing demographi­cs of the American electorate make that inevitable.

Sooner or later, Republican­s will realize that they have to court immigrant voters, who share many of their socially conservati­ve values, if they want to win national elections. When that happens, the nation, as well as the GOP, will be better off.

 ?? LUIS ALONSO LUGO, AP ?? Faith leaders and activists demonstrat­e July 31 at the White House.
LUIS ALONSO LUGO, AP Faith leaders and activists demonstrat­e July 31 at the White House.

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