Push to make Ebola drug accessible to all patients


Two U.S. aid workers who returned from West Africa to be treated for the Ebola virus were released from the hospital last week.

Like flight attendants always tell us on airplanes: Adults should put on their air masks first, then take care of the children. So giving special care for the caregivers is right.

I’m glad that some of the African aid workers have been able to get it. They are vulnerable and in short supply.

In addition, with U.S. patients Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol being treated at Emory University in Atlanta, I’m sure more was learned about treating Ebola. It also was probably a good way to practice handling an infectious disease epidemic requiring isolation in the USA.

Kathleen Robinson

I am glad that the world community is taking this seriously and doing what we can to contain and study the virus. A vaccine would be nice, because one mistake in internatio­nal travel could spread the disease more.

Betty Simmons

I thank God for their recovery, but I still am uncomforta­ble with allowing either of them out of quarantine. Blood tests looked good, but if the scientists are not correct, we now have Ebola loose in this hemisphere.

Given the nature of this disease and the fact that scientists really don’t know that much about it, we ought to be more cautious.

Lela Markham

We asked followers what they thought about an experiment­al Ebola drug being given to aid workers but not other patients.

Every aid worker who stays on the job is saving lives. If there is a limited supply of the drug, it’s understand­able.


It’s new. It takes time. Let’s not criticize when we can hope that it will help everyone.


It’s not fair. Those other patients are sure to die without the treatment. Sadly, that is the way science works.


That’s why it is called experiment­al; it has to be tested first. Hopefully, the test was successful.


No. It’s not right that Ebola drug hasn’t been given to all.


Experiment means scary. It may not work!


Experiment­al drugs often aren’t used on the masses before tests in a small population first. Caution is needed.


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