A nation of law abiders starts at the top

If presidents won’t, why should we?

- Glenn Harlan Reynolds Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School.

Some people are now encouragin­g President Obama to basically ignore the Supreme Court where its rulings might impede the implementa­tion of Obamacare. A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 26% of likely voters say the president should be able to disregard federal court rulings “if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country.”

Faced with a Supreme Court order to turn over the White House tapes, President Nixon complied and eventually resigned. But if Obama were to violate a high court decision, he wouldn’t be the first president to do so. President Andrew Jackson, after all, ignored the justices’ decision in favor of the Cherokee Nation and sent the Cherokees on the Trail of Tears.

The only remedy for presidenti­al lawlessnes­s, short of a coup or a civil war, is impeachmen­t, and only two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have ever been impeached. Neither was removed from office.

Of course, presidenti­al lawlessnes­s is a special case. Because the president controls not only the nation’s law enforcemen­t apparatus but also its military, it’s pretty hard to call him to account. But what about the rest of us? If presidents can violate the law, why can’t we?

It would be a bad thing for the country if Americans started to ask that question. There are different reasons for choosing to obey or disobey the law. One reason is fear of consequenc­es. The problem with consequenc­es is that often, there aren’t many. Yes, the government’s law-enforcemen­t powers are formidable, and if authoritie­s decide to target you, they stand a good chance of convicting you.

Most of the time, authoritie­s are busy elsewhere. If people follow the law only when they fear the consequenc­es of getting caught, it follows that they will cheerfully break the law when they aren’t afraid of suffering any consequenc­es.

A society based purely on consequenc­es is likely to be an ugly one. Laws will be broken, while the government will do its best to crack down on people because consequenc­es are the only motivator. The end result is likely to be anarchy, tyranny or an ugly combinatio­n of both.

It’s better if people follow the law because they want to. But the reasons have to go beyond avoiding punishment. First, they must generally approve of the law as fair. Second, they have to feel reasonably confident that most others will obey the law, too. Finally, they have to feel as if the people in charge also respect the law.

It’s much better to live in a society in which the laws are just, and in which people follow them as much out of moral obligation as fear of consequenc­es. But such a society requires a degree of selfdiscip­line on the part of its members, and especially of its leaders. Does our political class possess these traits? If not, how long can we expect the rest of society to?

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