Vatican to aid U.S. on tax cheats

Holy See to share info on accounts held by Americans

- Kevin McCoy

The continuing U.S. crackdown on suspected offshore tax evasion by wealthy Americans could be getting some spiritual assistance.

The Vatican on Wednesday became the latest world state agreeing to share informatio­n about foreign financial accounts whose U.S. owners may have ignored IRS reporting requiremen­ts.

U.S. and Vatican representa­tives signed an agreement formalizin­g the Holy See’s compliance with a 2010 law aimed at requiring foreign financial institutio­ns to give federal tax officials informatio­n about Americans holding undisclose­d foreign accounts.

Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, said the first intergover­nmental pact between the U.S. and the Vatican holds key importance.

“As Pope Francis frequently reminds us, evading just taxes is stealing both from the State and from the poor,” Gallagher said in a statement issued with the signing. “Every person has in fact the duty to contribute, in charity and justice, to assisting the public institutio­ns dedicated to bettering the conditions of human life.”

Kenneth Hackett, the U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, said access to financial account informatio­n by the world’s states and nations “is critically important to the full and fair enforcemen­t of U.S. domestic tax laws.”

A 2008 report by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommitt­ee on Investigat­ions said the U.S. annually loses an estimated $100 billion as banks in Switzerlan­d, Liechtenst­ein and elsewhere help wealthy Americans duck the IRS.

The Vatican bank, formally known as the Institute of Religious Works, has long been criticized by Italian officials for a lack of transparen­cy and failure to comply with internatio­nal standards to combat suspected tax evasion and money laundering.

Pope Benedict XVI launched bank changes in 2010 amid a fraud investigat­ion.His successor, Pope Francis, named a commission to examine the bank’s activities in 2013.

 ?? FILIPPO MONTEFORTE, AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Pope Francis in 2013 formed a panel to investigat­e the Vatican bank, which has been criticized for lack of transparen­cy.
FILIPPO MONTEFORTE, AFP/GETTY IMAGES Pope Francis in 2013 formed a panel to investigat­e the Vatican bank, which has been criticized for lack of transparen­cy.

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