Oregon legalizes pot and nobody blinks

- Hughes is USA TODAY’s Denver-based correspond­ent.

PORTLAND, ORE. What if we legalized marijuana and no one really cared?

That’s the overwhelmi­ng feeling I get standing inside Zion Cannabis in downtown Portland as customers buy marijuana from the friendly staff five days after legalized marijuana legislatio­n went into effect Oct. 1. No muss, no fuss. Oregon is the third American state to legalize recreation­al marijuana sales, following neighborin­g Washington, where legal pot debuted in the summer of 2014, and Colorado, where cannabis has been legal since Jan. 1, 2014. Hardly anyone is paying attention.

In contrast, the start of Colorado’s legal sales — the first ever in the USA — drew internatio­nal notoriety. Media organizati­ons descended upon Denver to report on the long lines, tight supply and temporaril­y high prices. Late-night comedians joked about Denver truly becoming the Mile High City and how everyone in Colorado was Rocky Mountain High. I began to grouse about all the marijuanar­elated conversati­ons I kept having with tourists.

Washington got a lot less press when legal sales began. And nearly two years after Colorado started the trend, the wider world’s response to Oregon’s legalizati­on feels a lot like “meh.”

There has been little national coverage and even less interna- tional coverage.

Not that Oregonians are indifferen­t. They bought $11 million worth of pot during the first seven days of legalizati­on, according to the Oregon Retail Cannabis Associatio­n, dwarfing the early sales in Washington.

“It’s a fun kind of experience,” said Stephanie Hess, 22, after buying a small amount of mari- juana at Zion. “It’s awesome to have informed people” to answer questions.

Having spent the past two years covering the marijuana industry, all the attention that gets paid to the notion of legal pot has often struck me as disingenuo­us. That’s because marijuana is the most widely used illegal substance in the country.

It’s no coincidenc­e that the first three states to legalize recreation­al marijuana use started by legalizing medical marijuana. Over the years, marijuana advocates have made no secret of their “camel’s nose” approach: By cracking the door to medical use and demonstrat­ing that adults can use marijuana safely, pro-legalizati­on groups laid the groundwork for looser laws.

Those looser laws haven’t changed life or culture much in Colorado and Washington and are unlikely to do so in Oregon. Are there fears about potential upticks in youth use? Absolutely. Are there concerns some people have ingested too much and needed to be hospitaliz­ed? Sure. But there has been no apocalypse. By and large, life in Colorado is pretty much the same as it was pre-legalized pot.

The next big test for legalizing marijuana will come in California in 2016. If legalizati­on passes in America’s most populous state, more than a sixth of the nation’s population would live where recreation­al marijuana is legal. That sure starts to feel like an unstoppabl­e trend.

Of course, this could all change significan­tly if Americans elect a president opposed to legalizati­on. But here’s the thing: All three states with legal marijuana sales (plus Alaska and the District of Columbia, which have legalized pot use but not selling it) have seen voters make that decision. It wasn’t a mandate by the Supreme Court. Outsiders didn’t make them do it. No, they chose it, and it’s certainly starting to feel like really not that big of a deal.

As I stand here in yet another marijuana store, watching customers come and go, I can’t get a line from The Hollow Men by T.S. Elliot out of my head: “Not with a bang but a whimper.”

States with legal marijuana sales have seen voters make that decision. ... And it’s certainly starting to feel like really not that big of a deal.

 ??  ?? Trevor Hughes
Trevor Hughes USA TODAY

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