Openly gay coach can offer support to others


Chris Burns is the only openly gay assistant or head coach in Division I basketball. He recently came out to the Bryant University men’s team.

A coach of a little-known university decides to inform his team that he is gay. And that action results in an in-depth report (“A coach comes out of the closet,” Sports, Thursday)?

My reaction to stories like this is, who cares? That’s his business, not mine.

Greg Gibson

Good for you, coach. Be who you are. Don’t worry about everyone else.

Don Dinkins

Why is it now so necessary to come out? Why do I care? Can he coach? Has he won a Nobel prize? If yes, then tell me more.

Otherwise, do your job and don’t look for approval and visibility because of your sexual orientatio­n.

Bill Jones

This is news because young kids who are gay get harassed, bullied and beaten. They also don’t have many visible role models in leadership positions.

Jonathan Coleman

It’s amazing to me how people can take an act of courage and find any way they can to knock it.

Coming out is not easy. This is not about publicity. It’s about a man no longer needing to hide, and being honest with himself and the world.

Phil Peworchik Jr.

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