Hillary fights for working families

- Howard Dean Howard Dean, who has endorsed Hillary Clinton, is the former governor of Vermont.

Hillary Clinton is one of the smartest people I know. The central goal of her presidency will be raising the incomes of working families, and she’s the only candidate with practical plans to achieve that goal.

In every issue she addresses, she asks, “How will this boost Americans’ take-home pay and allow them to keep more money in their pocket?” This is clear from her support for a minimum wage hike, equal pay for women, sharing corporate profits with workers, capping outof-pocket drug costs, and free community college and debtfree tuition at public colleges.

Hillary has also answered this question clearly when it comes to health care, trade and energy. She has called for repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s “Cadillac tax,” standing with working families who are seeing costs shifted onto their backs as their deductible­s rise.

In opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, she raised concerns about whether it would sufficient­ly raise wages and create good U.S. jobs. She understand­s that trade agreements can contribute to world stability and peace, but she’s also willing to learn lessons from past deals that have harmed some struggling American families. Her presidency will be about easing that struggle.

Hillary hoped to give the president and her successor, Secretary John Kerry, the time and space to make a decision on the Keystone pipeline. But she owed it to voters to make her position clear: She opposes a pipeline that she believes won’t create good, long-term jobs. Instead, she has offered a plan to boost American renewable energy — an industry poised to create millions of good jobs.

On issue after issue, Clinton is showing steely determinat­ion in fighting for families. But this isn’t a surprise. Her first job out of law school was for the Children’s Defense Fund. As first lady, she helped pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which has helped millions of kids get covered. As senator, she fought for 9/11 first responders and their families to ensure they got the benefits and compensati­on they deserved.

The most important longterm issue in this campaign is how to recreate a strong middle class and give every American a shot at the American Dream again. She is the only candidate on either side of the aisle who has laid out practical, specific plans to do that, and that is precisely why she is best suited to be our next president.

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