Religious group has been accused of coup attempt

- Paul Singer and Paulina Firozi

A Turkish religious movement has secretly funded more than 200 trips to Turkey for members of Congress and staff since 2008, apparently repeatedly violating House rules and possibly federal law, a USA TODAY investigat­ion has found.

The group — a worldwide moderate Islamic movement led by a religious scholar named Fethullah Gülen — has been accused by the Turkish government of attempting a coup in that country. Turkish leaders have asked the United States to extradite Gülen from the remote compound in rural Pennsylvan­ia where he has lived for 20 years.

The movement has founded hundreds of charter schools across the United States and around the world, has its own media organizati­ons and was deeply entrenched with the Turkish regime until a falling out two years ago. That led Recep Tayyip Erdogan to declare Gülen was running “a parallel state” inside the country with the intent of underminin­g the government. Turkey is having an election this weekend.

A dozen different Gülen groups have sponsored congressio­nal travel since 2008 and have filed forms with the House certifying that they were paying for the trips. The House Ethics Committee approved all the trips in advance based on the forms the Gülen groups submitted.

But a USA TODAY investigat­ion found many of those disclosure­s were apparently false. Some of the Gülenist groups claimed to be certified non-profits, but they do not appear in state or IRS databases of approved charities. Groups that did register with the IRS filed tax forms indicating that they did not pay for congressio­nal

travel. Five of the groups admitted to congressio­nal investigat­ors earlier this year that a Gülenist group in Turkey was secretly covering the costs of travel inside Turkey for lawmakers and staff.

Congressio­nal disclosure­s show the Gülen-backed trips totaled more than $800,000 in free travel for lawmakers and staff. That number likely underestim­ates the costs since many of the in-country expenses were not reported. And it is not at all clear where the $800,000 came from, since many of the groups involved do not appear to have the resources to pay for large delegation trips.

One Gülen group, the Texasbased Turquoise Council of Americans and Eurasians, sponsored trips for three lawmakers and seven staff members in 2011, filing disclosure­s claiming it was the sole sponsor of the trips at a total cost of about $54,000. But the same organizati­on filed an IRS tax form that year claiming it spent only $33,000 on travel with no expenditur­es for the travel of public officials.

The network of Gülen organizati­ons is hard to untangle. The BBC reported in 2013 “the movement’s influence extends far beyond Turkey, funding hundreds of Islamic schools and think tanks and media outlets, from Kenya to Kazakhstan. It has attracted millions of followers and billions of dollars.”

In August 2013, Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., took an eightday trip to Turkey sponsored by the Pacifica Institute, which claimed on congressio­nal disclosure forms to be an IRS-recognized non-profit covering the $5,700 cost of the trip. But the IRS has no record of Pacifica being a recognized non-profit.

“Congressma­n Honda quite simply took a trip that was entirely approved by the House,” spokeswoma­n Lauren Smith said.

In April 2011, the same group filed forms with the House Ethics Committee to sponsor two separate trips. In one form, for a trip by then-congressma­n Bob Filner, D-Calif., Pacifica Institute claimed to be a subsidiary of a group called Global Cultural Con- nections. In another group of forms filed for a trip by a handful of congressio­nal staff, Pacifica declared itself to be a part of the West America Turkic Council. Both of those groups are registered with the IRS as non-profits, but neither reported any expenses for lawmaker travel on their 2011 and 2013 tax returns.

A 2008 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Turkey released by Wikileaks describes Pacifica Institute as the “sister organizati­on” of a Turkish-based group called the Bosphorus-Atlantic Associatio­n of Cultural Cooperatio­n and Friendship, known by its Turkish initials BAKIAD.

The House Office of Congressio­nal Ethics issued a report earlier this month finding that BAKIAD had secretly funded the Turkish leg of a trip to Azerbaijan taken by 10 members of Congress and 32 staff. Four of the Gülen groups sponsoring that trip “used BAKIAD to arrange and finance all in-country expenses for congressio­nal travel in Turkey,” OCE found. “Importantl­y, however, BAKIAD’s role does not appear to have been disclosed to the Committee on Ethics in 2013 or in other years. BAKIAD was establishe­d in 2006 to oversee and co- ordinate trips and events related to North America,” and it has sponsored thousands of U.S. travelers ranging from state, local and federal officials to priests, teachers and other community leaders.

“There is a substantia­l reason to believe that BAKIAD, because of its role as an undisclose­d sponsor of congressio­nal travel, provided gifts in the form of impermissi­ble travel expenses to congressio­nal travelers in violation of House rules and regulation­s,” the OCE report concluded.

In June 2012, a Gülen organizati­on called the Istanbul Center sponsored a nine-day, four-city Turkish visit for Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., his wife, Martha, and four staff members for a total of about $23,000. The disclosure forms submitted to the Ethics Committee said the Istanbul Center is “a unit of the Global Spectrum Foundation.” The form explained that BAKIAD “funds trip and finds sponsors/donors for meals, lodging, domestic travel.” But there is no indication who those donors or sponsors were. Istanbul Center is not on file with the IRS as a recognized non-profit.

“The Committee on Ethics takes responsibi­lity for trip approvals and we trust it will appropriat­ely handle any issues they find with informatio­n reported to them by the trip sponsor,” Brooks spokeswoma­n Lauren Vandiver.

USA TODAY made repeated efforts to reach the Gülen organizati­ons mentioned in this article, including dropping by the Washington headquarte­rs shared by several of them.

Only the Istanbul Center responded. Academic Affairs Director Mustafa Sahin said, “I did not organize any trips with members of Congress and staff, and do not really know how financial aspects of such trips were handled.” Other staff from that time period are no longer with the organizati­on, he said.

USA TODAY identified 214 congressio­nal trips sponsored by Gülen organizati­ons that appear to be improperly disclosed. The trips generally have similar itinerarie­s, with visits to the same historical sites, and visits primarily with Gülenist journalist­s, lawmakers and business associatio­ns.

And the movement has clearly benefited from making friends in Congress. In February 2015, Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., organized colleagues to send a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry seeking his help in defending Gülenist journalist­s who had been arrested by the Turkish government as part of the battle between Gülen and Erdogan.

Salmon had taken a Gülenfunde­d trip to Turkey in 2014; Honda, Brooks and five other lawmakers who had taken Gülenfunde­d trips also signed the letter, as did 23 members who had approved Gülen-backed trips for their staff.

“Our trip was both fully disclosed and fully vetted by the House Committee on Ethics before the Congressma­n took it,” Salmon spokesman Tristan Daedalus said.

Nobody in Congress is likely to face penalties for accepting improper travel. The Ethics Committee concluded in July after reviewing the 2013 Azerbaijan trip that “all of the Members and staff who went on the trips did so only after getting Committee approval to accept the trips. Neither the Committee nor OCE found any evidence of any knowing violation by any Member or House staffer.”

However, “both the Committee and OCE found evidence suggesting that a number of parties outside the House may have affirmativ­ely lied to and/or withheld informatio­n from both the Committee and the House Members and staff who were invited.” The committee therefore announced it was “referring the matter of third parties apparently engaging in a criminal conspiracy to lie to Congress to the Department of Justice for such further action as it deems appropriat­e.”

“It strains credulity to believe members of Congress and their staff would accept lavish junkets having no idea who actually sponsored the trips,” said Anne Weismann, executive director of Campaign for Accountabi­lity, an ethics watchdog group. “Even worse, the Ethics Committee is allowing members to hide behind its so-called approval process so they can take exotic vacations paid for by special interests.”

 ?? SELAHATTIN SEVI, AP ?? Fethullah Gülen, who leads the group, lives in Pennsylvan­ia.
SELAHATTIN SEVI, AP Fethullah Gülen, who leads the group, lives in Pennsylvan­ia.

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