It’s ‘Elementary’: Miller beguiles as quirky kind of Sherlock hero


Whatever it is Jonny Lee Miller is doing in Elementary, here’s hoping he keeps doing it for years to come.

Despite the name of his character and the premise of this CBS drama, he’s not exactly playing Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock, after all, was not a heroin addict, did not work in New York and did not have a female Watson (the exquisite Lucy Liu) who was every bit his equal. Nor did he have such an openly (and often humorously) expressed sexual appetite, or as open a heart, as evidenced by his willingnes­s in tonight’s fourth season premiere to express his need for his newfound friends and colleagues. But the curiositie­s about Elementary go well beyond its modern twists on the text. It’s just hard to name a star turn in a big broadcast show that is as beguilingl­y idiosyncra­tic as Miller’s. Everything he does seems somehow odd and yet completely right: the sly, sometimes sped-up line readings; the bowed-backward stance; the haircut; the head-bobs — even the way he keeps his shirts buttoned at the neck, as if to emphasize how buttoned-up and yet eccentric his character is.

In short, like his show, Miller overdelive­rs. You go in expecting a standard murder-of-the-week mystery, and you get something much more — maybe not from the crime, but certainly from the ongoing story of the crime solver and his battle to maintain his sobriety and sanity.

When we last saw Sherlock, he seemed to be losing that battle. After beating a man close to death and suffering a heroin relapse, he faces the possibilit­y of jail time and the certainty of unemployme­nt.

Luckily, he’s facing his problems with Watson, who has become an increasing­ly formidable force. When some Brit snob insults Sherlock, she answers with “What’s the hardest you’ve ever been hit?” — a line Liu makes both amusing and threatenin­g.

Sherlock also gets another possible ally: His father, Morland, played to the hilt by John Noble. And it doesn’t take long before Morland proves his worth as a story device and Noble proves his worth as a scene partner.

The cases Sherlock and Watson solve in these first two outings don’t amount to much, but their relationsh­ip does. Watson’s bond with Sherlock is personal and profession­al, but not sexual — which makes for a nice change. Perhaps someday the show will give in to flirtation, but so far it has largely resisted, and is all the better for it.

Great work. Keep it up.

 ?? JEFF NEIRA ?? Jonny Lee Miller’s Sherlock is a little different from Arthur Conan Doyle’s.
JEFF NEIRA Jonny Lee Miller’s Sherlock is a little different from Arthur Conan Doyle’s.

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