Trump hasn’t changed politics

Billionair­e’s rivals continue to run convention­al races

- Rick Hampson @rickhampso­n USA TODAY

One of the many paradoxes of Donald Trump’s presidenti­al candidacy is that it has dominated politics without changing how politics are practiced.

Despite Trump’s prominence, his rivals are not aping his tactics. They advertise on TV when they can afford to. They stay on script. They don’t use the word “stupid” to describe voters in Iowa.

No one else ridicules a woman’s personal appearance, denigrates the service of a famous POW or cites FDR’s wartime roundup of immigrants as a happy precedent.

No one else has dispensed so readily with convention­al virtues, such as modesty (“I’m really, really smart”). And no one else has been denounced by everyone from Dick Cheney to J.K. Rowling (who pronounced Trump worse than Voldemort).

Trump has given voice to an angry, alienated segment of GOP voters that will not easily be placated, much less enticed to follow the eventual nominee if Trump founders.

How to assess his long-term impact? No one knows how he’s gotten this far, much less how long he’ll go.

When Jeb Bush spoke to a Jewish group in Washington this month, he said his father wasn’t watching CSI anymore. “He’s now watching Fox again, trying to figure out Donald Trump. That’s his main goal in life,” Bush said. “Hard for a guy like that to understand the Trump phenomenon.”

It’s not just 41. John Geer, a renowned Vanderbilt political scientist, sounds as discombobu­lated as a freshman in one of his classes: “No one has a solid explanatio­n for this phenomenon, and I am no different.’’

Any analysis of Trump’s success comes with a Trump-size caveat: In a large field, before a primary ballot has been cast, he has managed to attract only a plu

rality of Republican­s, as measured by polls. It’s not clear he can expand that into 50-plus-one in the primaries, let alone the general election.

Above all, his campaign’s ultimate impact “depends on how it ends,’’ says Dan Schnur, who worked on John McCain’s presidenti­al campaign and teaches politics at the University of Southern California. There are at least four possibilit­ies: Trump is nominated; he loses and supports the nominee; he loses and snipes at the nominee from the sidelines; he loses and runs as an independen­t or on a third-party ticket (which he said last week he would not do).

There’s one more possible outcome, which is that no matter what Trump does after the primaries, his campaign will have so alienated groups such as Hispanics and women that it costs the GOP the election.

Sal Russo, a founder of the Tea Party Express movement who worked in 1992 for independen­t candidate Ross Perot, says that if the GOP unites around another candidate as its nominee, “then none of the machinatio­ns of the campaign will matter. All the primary opponents will be forgotten and inconseque­ntial to the general election.’’

Take 2008, he says. Hillary Clinton, the unsuccessf­ul candidate for the Democratic nomination, was not a factor in November. Four years later, onetime GOP primary polling leaders such as Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann had no impact on Mitt Romney’s race against Barack Obama.

If Trump crashes, which has seemed imminent for months, he may be remembered only as a cautionary tale, along with failed demagogues such as Louisiana populist Huey Long (“Every Man a King ”), Sen. Joseph McCarthy (“Communists in the State Department”) and George Wallace (“not a dime’s worth of difference’’ between the Democrats and Republican­s).

Still, Trump’s success would seem to make him an appealing model. John F. Kennedy’s victory in 1960 created a demand for telegenic, charismati­c young Democrats. Flinty sincerity like Ronald Reagan’s still makes Republican­s swoon.

But just because Trump does it doesn’t mean everyone can. Elizabeth Wilner, vice president of the Kantar Media consulting firm, calls him “an incredible anomaly.’’

What lesser mortal could successful­ly emulate a candidate so rich, so bombastic, so opportunis­tic, so New York? Trump is a billionair­e who claims independen­ce from special interests, and a network TV star and best-selling author with peerless name recognitio­n. He has the sharp elbows of a Manhattan real estate developer and the PR savvy of a veteran of America’s most competitiv­e news market.

In this sense, Trump is like The Beatles or Frank Lloyd Wright — an intuitive genius. “You shouldn’t use him as an example of anything that could be replicated,’’ says Kip Cassino of Borrell Associates, a media consulting firm.

John Zogby, a pollster, says he doesn’t believe Trump’s particular talents will dissuade others from following his lead. “If we keep going down this road, someone else will come along and say, ‘Trump had the right ideas. He didn’t play it just right.’ ’’

Experts say Trump’s campaign has featured innovation­s and insights that could inform campaigns in the future. SOCIAL MEDIA Every campaign pays it lip service. But Trump has become the king of Twitter, collecting 5 million followers and counting. The site is fast, free and perfect for the middle-school put-downs at which he excels. Zac Moffatt, cofounder of Targeted Victory, a digital media consulting firm that works with Republican­s, calls Trump “a look into the future of how public figures will behave online.’’ FREE MEDIA How ironic: The candidate who could buy all the airtime he wants hasn’t needed to. Every candidate wants free media, but only Trump has been consistent­ly able to get it, by making news and generating ratings. It’s all the more impressive this year, given the large field. Much of the coverage is derogatory, but given the news media are held in contempt by Trump’s followers, “it just gives him more juice,” says Tobe Berkovitz of Boston University, who’s worked on national campaigns. VOTER ANGER The most conservati­ve Republican voters have been angry for years. Witness the Tea Party re- volt in 2010 and the results of the midterm elections of 2014. “There’s this persistent feeling ‘the party’s not paying attention to me,’ ’’ says Terry Madonna, director of the Franklin & Marshall College poll. A movement famous for having no leader found one in Trump, who has tapped discontent with government dysfunctio­n, economic stagnation and demographi­c change. HOT RHETORIC Trump revolution­ized what can be said in a national political campaign — denigratin­g the POW heroism of John McCain and implying a female debate questioner was menstruati­ng. Trump says things that would end most campaigns yet push his poll numbers higher. “As far as his supporters are concerned, there’s nothing he can say that goes over the line,” observes Aaron Kall, director of debate at the University of Michigan. “There is no line.’’

Campaigns have foundered on far less, Madonna says. He’s reminded of a 2004 Democratic candidate’s demise after his oddsoundin­g cry on the night of the Iowa primary: “All Howard Dean did was scream!” PLAIN LANGUAGE Ted Cruz sounds as if he’s speaking at a Harvard-Princeton debate. Trump sounds as if he’s talking to New York ironworker­s. When was the last time a national campaign announced a major position, as Trump did when he proposed barring Muslim immigratio­n, with a phrase like “until we know what the hell is going on.’’ Trump repeats his favorite adjectives as if they were Scripture, notably “weak,” “fantastic” and “great.” OUTSIDER APPEAL Everyone runs against Washington, including (especially) those who’ve made careers there. But Trump, who had never even run for school committee, is the real thing. He has made what was a qualificat­ion for office — experience — a liability and inexperien­ce an asset. If Trump wins the nomination, he will have come further from outside the mainstream than anyone since utility executive Wendell Willkie, the GOP candidate in 1940. SPONTANEIT­Y AND CANDOR To fans, Trump has been as refreshing as a thundersto­rm on a hot summer day. Voters tired of scripted, traditiona­l campaignin­g delight in his willingnes­s to say whatever seems to come to mind. The contrast with more convention­al campaigner­s, such as Jeb Bush, has been devastatin­g. In such a stultifyin­g milieu, says Mitchell McKinney, who teaches at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, “even the outlandish has its appeal.’’ A POLITICAL LEGACY It’s possible Trump’s biggest impact on politics is yet to come.

In recent years, Republican­s have succeeded in channeling the party’s base, or conservati­ve wing, in support of relatively moderate nominees such as McCain and Romney. Now loosed, the passions of that wing may not be easily directed. Even if Trump doesn’t get the nomination, those passions could lead to the nomination of a candidate sufficient­ly far to the right to ensure the election of a Democrat.

Or it could lead to a more fundamenta­l schism, including a third-party candidacy.

The GOP establishm­ent faced the 2016 election determined to avoid the internal stresses that weakened Romney in 2012, McKinney says. Instead, Trump has made them worse.

There’s a lesson here, Schnur says: “When you unleash your base, it’s unrealisti­c to think that they’ll stop at your goals. … The bases of both parties are capable of wreaking the havoc Trump is causing.’’ He cites the early success of Bernie Sanders, a selfavowed socialist, against the wellfinanc­ed, well-known Hillary Clinton. “Just because a Sanders can’t win this year doesn’t mean one won’t in the future,’’ he says — especially against a less formidable centrist than Clinton.

The usual outcome when a party’s id takes over and a candidate such as Barry Goldwater (conservati­ve Republican, 1964) or George McGovern (liberal Democrat, 1972) is nominated: electoral disaster, followed by a retreat to the center — not a congenial place for the likes of Donald Trump.

“You shouldn’t use (Trump) as an example of anything that could be replicated.”

Kip Cassino, Borrell Associates

 ?? AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Donald Trump
 ?? SARA D. DAVIS, GETTY IMAGES ?? Donald Trump speaks at a rally in front of the USS Wisconsin on Oct. 31 in Norfolk, Va.
SARA D. DAVIS, GETTY IMAGES Donald Trump speaks at a rally in front of the USS Wisconsin on Oct. 31 in Norfolk, Va.

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