Gay men allowed to donate blood

- Kim Painter Special for USA TODAY

But there’s still a catch.

“While many gay and bisexual men will be eligible to donate their blood ... countless more will continue to be banned solely on the basis of their sexual orientatio­n and without medical or scientific reasoning.”

National Gay Blood Drive

Gay and bisexual men in the United States are no longer barred from donating blood, under a policy change announced Monday by the Food and Drug Administra­tion, but there’s a big catch: Men still cannot donate if they have had sex with other men in the previous 12 months.

While the new policy lifts a ban in place for more than 30 years, since the early days of the HIV and AIDS epidemic, it effectivel­y stops sexually active gay men from donating. But the change puts the policy for gay and bisexual men in line with other potential donors at increased risk for HIV, such as recent transfusio­n recipients, FDA officials said.

“The FDA’s responsibi­lity is to maintain a high level of blood product safety for people whose lives depend on it,” FDA acting commission­er Stephen Ostroff said in a statement. “We have taken great care to ensure this policy revision is backed by sound sci- ence and continues to protect our blood supply.”

The risk of getting HIV from a blood transfusio­n in the United States today is about 1 in 1.47 million, FDA said.

An advocacy group called National Gay Blood Drive said it supported the decision, but said a fairer policy would assess HIV risks from sexual behavior in a more individual way. That would mean asking detailed questions about anal and oral sex, rather than considerin­g all male-tomale sexual contact equally risky, spokesman Jay Franzone said.

“The revised policy is still discrimina­tory,” the group said in a statement. “While many gay and bisexual men will be eligible to donate their blood and help save lives under this 12-month deferral, countless more will continue to be banned solely on the basis of their sexual orientatio­n and without medical or scientific reasoning.”

The FDA considered recent studies and other data, as well as the experience­s of other countries, in making its decision, the agency said. The United Kingdom and Australia are among other countries that require men to wait to donate blood if they have had sex with other men.

Anyone who has ever tested positive for HIV, exchanged sex for drugs or money, or injected illicit drugs is still barred from giving blood.

 ?? 2011 FILE PHOTOS BY TOBY TALBOT, AP ?? The Food and Drug Administra­tion on Monday announced it is lifting its ban on blood donation by gay and bisexual men, but there are still restrictio­ns in place.
2011 FILE PHOTOS BY TOBY TALBOT, AP The Food and Drug Administra­tion on Monday announced it is lifting its ban on blood donation by gay and bisexual men, but there are still restrictio­ns in place.

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