10 biggest income tax changes to plan for in 2016

- Dan Caplinger The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independen­tly of USA TODAY.

Tax time is nearly upon us, and 2016 will bring some changes you need to know about. By learning about them before the new year, you’ll be better able to take steps that will leave you prepared both this year and next. The 10 biggest tax changes you should know about going into 2016: 1. TAX DAY IS APRIL 18 The Washington, D.C., holiday of Emancipati­on Day is on Friday, April 15, 2016. Under federal law, the tax deadline gets extended when it falls on a holiday or weekend, and so the tax deadline for most taxpayers will be the following Monday, April 18. For those states in New England that celebrate Patriot’s Day, an even later April 19 deadline will apply. 2. PENALTIES RELATED TO OBAMACARE ARE GOING UP AGAIN The Affordable Care Act imposed penalties for those not having qualifying health care coverage. Those penalties started at $95 per adult, or 1% of income above the filing threshold, in 2014 but rose to $285 per adult, or 2% of income above the limit, in 2015. For 2016, penalties will rise again, hitting $695 per adult, or 2.5% of income. A family maximum will apply to the per-person amount, but the $2,085 amount will be substantia­lly higher than the $975 in 2015 and $285 in 2014. 3. TAX BRACKETS ARE RISING SLIGHTLY Most of the tax brackets that govern different classes of taxpayers are adjusted for inflation. For 2016, these bracket amounts are rising by roughly 0.4%. 4. STANDARD DEDUCTIONS ARE GOING UP FOR HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FILERS The low inflation rate kept standard deductions for most taxpayers steady in 2016 from 2015 levels, including the single, married filing jointly and married filing separately statuses. For those who qualify as heads of household, the standard deduction will rise $50 to $9,300 in 2016. 5. PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS ARE RISING The personal exemption that taxpayers are entitled to take on their tax returns will go up in value by $50 in 2016. That will give everyone an exemption amount of $4,050. 6. CONTRIBUTI­ON LIMITS ON HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ARE GOING UP Health savings accounts let people with high-deductible health plans set money aside on a pretax basis to cover the costs of their health care. For 2016, the contributi­on limit for individual policies will remain at $3,350, but the maximum contributi­on for family policies will rise by $100 to $6,750. A catch-up contributi­on of $1,000 for those 55 or older will continue to apply. 7. THE EARNED INCOME CREDIT IS RISING The maximum allowable Earned Income Credit will go up modest- ly in 2016. For those with three or more qualifying children, the maximum credit will rise to $6,269, up $27. Those with two children will get a maximum $5,572, which is up $24 from 2015, and one-child families can get up to $3,373, $14 more than last year. Those without children get just a $3 bump and can claim up to $506 for 2016. 8. THE EXEMPTION FROM AMT IS HIGHER The alternativ­e minimum tax has struck a growing number of taxpayers, making the exemption amount more important than ever. Single taxpayers will see their AMT exemptions go up $300 in 2016 to $53,900, and joint filers will see a $500 boost to $83,800. 9. THE ESTATE TAX EXEMPTION IS HEADING UPWARD The lifetime exemption amount for the gift and estate tax is tied to inflation, and it is slated to rise next year as well. The exemption amount will rise to $5.45 million, up $20,000 from 2015. The limit applies to estates of those who pass away in 2016. 10. OTHER TAX PROVISIONS COULD CHANGE IF NOT RENEWED Nearly every year, lawmakers wait until the last minute to renew popular tax breaks, such as charitable distributi­on from IRAs, state sales tax deductions, teachers’ write-offs for classroom supplies and deductions for private mortgage insurance. As of early December, these provisions hadn’t yet been renewed for 2015, but typically, lawmakers renew them retroactiv­e to the beginning of the year. The same is likely in 2016 unless an extension provides for two years of relief rather than just one. MANY THINGS AREN’T CHANGING Even though the 10 things listed above are changing, many other typical annual changes aren’t happening.

Contributi­on limits to 401(k) plans, IRAs and flexible spending arrangemen­ts are all staying the same in 2016 as they were in 2015, reflecting the minimal amount of inflation in the economy.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Most people put off tax planning to the last minute, but by knowing about these coming changes before they take effect, you can do more comprehens­ive tax planning that will serve you better in 2016 and beyond.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Most people put off tax planning to the last minute, but by knowing about these coming changes before they take effect, you can do more comprehens­ive tax planning that will serve you better in 2016 and beyond.

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