Cutting sugar in diets is step in right direction


We asked what our Twitter followers thought about new federal guidelines recommendi­ng that Americans cut back on sugar. Exercise moderation, just like everything else. If you need to cut back, then cut back.

@SherriB03 You need the government to tell you what to eat? Our country is doomed.

@aggiejuare­z It’s probably a good idea, but sugar addicts like me won’t do it.

@DianeforTr­ump If you can’t get Americans to exercise, then cutting back on sugar is the next logical step.

@JosephSMac­h I cook nearly everything from scratch and don’t buy bottled sauces. I bake occasional­ly, so I use sugar sometimes in that, but I know exactly how much I use.

Someone gave me a can of tomatoes that had sugar added and peanut butter with sugar added, and both went to the food bank. Read your labels: You do not have to have sugar unless you want it (and sometimes I do).

Jo Ellen

I find it’s not the expense but how much more time and effort you have to put into getting the right food and preparing it in different ways. It takes work. A lot more than picking up a pizza, burger, chips or Chinese.

Don Scotter

Now it’s sugar that’s bad. Tomorrow sugar will be good, then bad again. It’ll be just like the changing recommenda­tion on eggs and bacon.

Kirk Newsted

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