Texas law about limiting abortion, not safety


The Supreme Court heard a case Wednesday about a 2013 Texas abortion law that includes requiring providers to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

Do some Texans really think abortions will stop if they put on all these restrictio­ns? There will be back alley abortions, and many women will suffer grave injuries. Texas religious people do not seem to get that abortion is legal in this country.

Anne Weinrep

So tell me why abortions should be treated with a lower standard of care than any other medical procedure?

Personally, I would have been going into all abortion clinics, those like the one run by Kermit Gosnell, and shutting them down when they violate infection control guidelines.

Barry Levy

The Gosnell case only points to the need to inspect clinics on a regular basis, just like all health facilities should be inspected.

Hospital admitting privileges and surgical center standards are irrelevant to that and are a mere smokescree­n.

Kevin Rethwisch

Where is the evidence that requiring admitting privileges would increase safety for women in Texas?

Women with complicati­ons must be admitted to an emergency room, with or without admitting privileges. What difference would the requiremen­t make?

Dan Porath

The admitting privileges do help ensure follow-up care for the patients. While we may not agree on the legality of abortion, surely we can advocate for safe, legal and rare.

That means more support for pregnant women and new mothers including, but not limited to, paid leave, affordable child care, and enforcing child support payments from deadbeat fathers. I think we can agree on those things, correct?

Kristen Day

Laws in various states are making abortions harder to get. Everyone knows what these laws are for, and it would be nice if anti-abortion groups would simply tell the truth about what they want. Is their argument so weak that they need to lie?

Patricia LiWang

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