Expanded access to pill, Trump words fuel division

The FDA expanded its guidelines for an abortion-inducing pill, potentiall­y giving access to women in states that have tried to limit the drug’s use.


This FDA move is excellent. Whether to have an abortion is a private matter. Politician­s need to stay out of it.

Marianne Zoricak

People should be held accountabl­e for their decisions to have unprotecte­d sex. A woman’s right to privacy over her body should not include the separate body growing inside her.

Jimmy Thompson

Donald Trump said that if abortion became illegal, he thinks a woman should be punished for having one. Then he said that the provider should be punished. There has been so much outrage over what a presidenti­al candidate has said. In my opinion, he simply means that he is willing to uphold a law if the Supreme Court makes it so.

Eric Davis

If the abortion pill is safe then to me expanding access is OK. This is a private matter, not a political or state matter. Freedom to choose!


When Donald Trump took back his initial statement about abortion, I think that was the first time he stepped back from his own outrageous comments. It’s too little, too late.

Nathaniel Kauffman

Why is it an outrage to say someone should be punished for breaking a law?

I don’t have a problem with abortion. But if it the procedure is made illegal, then we all better follow the law.

If we don’t punish lawbreaker­s, we will have anarchy.

Phil Koprowski

The big falsehood is that abortion is about reproducti­ve choice. Reproducti­on occurs at conception. What happens after is growth and developmen­t. The choice to engage in sexual activity is the choice to risk reproducti­on. The choice to have an abortion allows one to avoid responsibi­lity.

Felipe Gonzales

So Indiana is going to force women to carry fetuses to term? When the people get the bill for the lifelong care of a severely disabled child, they will demand that women take on the responsibi­lity of raising their child with no government help. It seems in Indiana, the unborn child is being used as a commodity.

Tom Brumfield

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