Most doctors don’t use e-prescribin­g for opioids

Aim is to boost safety, efficiency and prevent abuse over paper orders All states allow e-prescribin­g yet only 7% of doctors do so.

- Jayne O’Donnell @jayneodonn­ell USA TODAY

Electronic prescribin­g of controlled substances reduces fraud and prevents patients from getting multiple prescripti­ons for the same drug, but only three states require it and one doesn’t even enforce its law.

As much of the USA struggles with record overdose deaths, often from opioid painkiller­s, industry officials say this legislativ­e lapse needs to be remedied as part of a broad drug policy.

Although paper prescripti­ons were once considered safer, all states now allow e-prescribin­g for drugs, including opioid painkiller­s and other controlled substances, yet only 7% of doctors do so, according to Surescript­s, which links doctors with pharmacies for e-prescribin­g.

Between 3% and 9% of opioid abusers use forged prescripti­ons, says Paul Uhrig, Surescript­s’ chief legal officer.

E-prescribin­g would prevent that and many of the overdose deaths caused by so-called doctor-shopping — people who get narcotic prescripti­ons from several physicians, he says.

Databases known as Prescripti­on Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) show doctors all controlled-substance prescripti­ons patients get and should be linked with the electronic health records (EHRs) that allow doctors to eprescribe, health IT experts agree.

That may change soon as there’s new pressure — including a push by insurer Cigna — for doctors to check state databases before they write prescripti­ons for controlled substances.

All states and Washington, D.C., have the drug monitoring databases, but fewer than five require their use. If these databases were fully used, Cigna CEO David Cordani says, about 97% of the people at high risk of addiction could have been identified.

Here’s what states are doing on e-prescribin­g. New York. The state’s 2012 e-prescribin­g law, which requires doctors to check the PDMP database before prescribin­g narcotics, went into effect March 27. Nearly half of doctors in the state now use electronic prescribin­g for controlled substances (EPCS), up from about 13% last year. Those who continue to use paper pads are subject to fines, jail time or both.

Maine. Drug overdose deaths were up 31% last year, the state’s attorney general’s office said in March. Most were for heroin, fentanyl or opioid painkiller­s. In April, the state became the third to require EPCS. After January 2017, physicians who don’t use electronic prescripti­ons also will be subject to fines, jail time or both.

Minnesota. New data from the Minnesota Department of Health show drug overdose deaths jumped 11% from 516 in 2014 to 572 last year.

The state was first to require eprescribi­ng but the legislatio­n doesn’t allow enforcemen­t or penalties for doctors that don’t adhere.

Just 3.5% of doctors were using electronic prescribin­g for controlled substances this year, Surescript­s says.

Marty LaVenture, director of the Minnesota office of health IT and e-health, says the health department will consider this summer which “policy levers could be used to encourage full adoption and use of e-prescribin­g capabiliti­es,” including possible financial incentives.

Experts emphasize that e-prescribin­g can create problems and hardly solves all of them.

“It’s another tool to help make it harder to get some of these drugs, but the flip side is that if they have a hard time getting the prescripti­on, that’s when many switch to heroin,” says Becky Vaughn, addiction services vice president at the National Council for Behavioral Health.

Caryl Brymialkie­wicz, chief data officer for the Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general, says she is “cautiously optimistic” about e-prescribin­g ’s potential, but says there still might be ways (people) are going to manipulate the system.”

 ?? USA TODAY ?? David Cordani, chief executive officer of Cigna Corp., says 97% of the people at high risk of addiction could have been identified via databases.
USA TODAY David Cordani, chief executive officer of Cigna Corp., says 97% of the people at high risk of addiction could have been identified via databases.

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