Report shows Clinton ignored warnings on email security


Everyone, including Hillary Clinton, now agrees that the newly confirmed secretary of State made a mistake in 2009 when she decided, for the sake of “convenienc­e,” to run her own email system out of her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., rather than use an official State Department email account.

But a new report by State’s inspector general makes clear that within two years, Clinton’s bad decision had turned into something far worse: a threat to national security, one that she repeatedly ignored despite multiple warnings.

Warning No. 1:

The report, released last week, reveals that in January 2011, hackers were attacking her private server. Twice, the Hillary and Bill Clinton staffer responsibl­e for maintainin­g the server had to shut it off to protect data held by America’s top diplomat and the former president. The staffer notified State Department officials of the attempted hack, and Clinton’s top aides there emailed each other to say “sensitive” matters should not be discussed with Clinton over email.

Warning No. 2:

Two months later, the assistant secretary for diplomatic security sent a memorandum on cybersecur­ity threats directly to Clinton, warning of a dramatic increase in efforts “to compromise the private home email accounts of senior department officials” in a likely attempt to “gain access to policy documents and personal informatio­n that could enable technical surveillan­ce and possible blackmail.” The memo to Clinton warned her that some personal email accounts had already been compromise­d.

Warning No. 3:

That May, Clinton herself suspected that there might have been another hacking incident when she “received an email with a suspicious link.” Hours after her aides discussed the issue over email, Clinton received another email with a suspect link.

Warning No. 4:

A month later, the State Department cabled “all diplomatic and consular posts” about the dangers of unsecured personal email accounts. Staffers were ordered to “avoid conducting official department business from your personal email accounts.” Who signed that cable? Hillary Clinton.

Those warnings, coming in a span of six months, should have made any responsibl­e public official, even one without Clinton’s access to classified informatio­n on cyber threats from the vast U.S. intelligen­ce network, aware of the national security dangers of failing to secure the secretary of State’s email communicat­ions.

Instead, Clinton and several of her top aides continued to use personal email for sensitive State Department business thousands of times.

If Clinton wants to become president, she needs to explain how she could make such a reckless decision. She had a chance to answer questions when the Obama administra­tion-appointed inspector general contacted her about the investigat­ion that was released last week. Among five secretarie­s of State, only Clinton refused.

It’s already clear that, in using the private email server, Clinton broke the rules. Now the FBI is investigat­ing whether she also broke the law.

 ?? ERIC THAYER, GETTY IMAGES ?? Hillary and Bill Clinton in Chappaqua, N.Y., Monday.
ERIC THAYER, GETTY IMAGES Hillary and Bill Clinton in Chappaqua, N.Y., Monday.

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