‘Brexit’ vote puts British PM Cameron’s job on the line

If the vote goes against him and he resigns, Boris Johnson could fill the void

- Jane Onyanga- Omara

When Britons vote on LONDON their nation’s future with the European Union on June 23, they’ll also likely determine the political future of British Prime Minister David Cameron and his flamboyant rival, Boris Johnson.

Cameron, who is campaignin­g to remain in the 28-nation bloc, is going head-to-head with the former London mayor, who is leading the campaign for a British exit — “Brexit.” Cameron argues that remaining brings economic, political and security benefits to the United Kingdom. Johnson says the EU tramples on British sovereignt­y over issues such as immigratio­n and business regulation.

Cameron “would find it very difficult” to remain in office if Britain votes to leave the EU, said Quentin Peel, an associate fellow in the Europe Program at the Chatham House think tank. “He’d certainly be forced to resign quite quickly,” Peel said. “I really don’t see how long he can last.”

Mark Stuart, an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham’s school of politics and internatio­nal relations, said Cameron “would have no other option than to resign as leader of the Conservati­ve Party” if the Brexit camp prevails.

“Having staked all his political reputation on staying in the EU and pre-announced his retire- ment date, all Cameron’s political capital would be gone,” Stuart said. Cameron has said he will not lead the Conservati­ve Party after the next election in 2020, but will run as a member of Parliament.

Cameron promised during last year’s parliament­ary elections to hold a referendum on Britain’s continued membership in the EU. This year, he negotiated concession­s to give the U.K. more say on economic, social and defense issues affecting the country.

Cameron and Nigel Farage, leader of the anti-EU, anti-immigratio­n U.K. Independen­ce Party (UKIP), took part in an ITV debate Tuesday night.

“No deal is better than the rotten deal that we have at the moment,” Farage said.

Cameron urged Britons not to take Farage’s “Little England option.”

“He is so keen to get us out of Europe that he is prepared to sacrifice jobs and growth along the way,” Cameron said.

Matthew Goodwin, a professor of politics and internatio­nal relations at the University of Kent, said, “If Brexit wins, then it’s likely that Boris Johnson, who is popular among Conservati­ve rank-and-file members, will replace David Cameron.”

But Peel said Johnson’s role in campaignin­g for a Brexit could work against him. “What we’re seeing is one of the bloodiest civil wars in any political party for a long time.”

“He is so keen to get us out of Europe that he is prepared to sacrifice jobs and growth along the way.” Prime Minister David Cameron referring to anti-EU rival Nigel Farage

 ?? WILL OLIVER, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY ?? Former London mayor Boris Johnson, left, with British Prime Minister David Cameron, would be poised to be the next prime minister if Britain leaves the European Union.
WILL OLIVER, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY Former London mayor Boris Johnson, left, with British Prime Minister David Cameron, would be poised to be the next prime minister if Britain leaves the European Union.

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